Ways to stay constant on hive.

There are many ways people get to do some things, some might be due to them being employed and having to come constantly others might be trying to meet up to their mortgage or debts, some might be due to goals, plans, and their will to get better than before. What if you have none of these or let's just say only goals. With nothing disturbing you to make the move to work harder than before or even putting any efforts to be something or be someone. What can you do to make the necessary effort?
Their some ways I have come up with to make me put in the effort every day and I got them from just watching others that do the same thing.

Create a program


Image by Firmbee from Pixabay

There are many things that we can do online, it's hard to choose at first but here is a tip, do what you love to do from the start. Yes, do that thing you love to do, that thing that makes you feel like a winner even when there is no money involved, the only difference between then and now is that you added others who also like the same thing you love to do from the start and you talk to them and answer their questions as well.

Schedule a Live show

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Not many people like their faces on camera and I know how it feels like to bring up the live show topic with camera involve for some. No one wants to make a mistake at their first live show and you get yourself all set up for it. From Can Water to beer and a comfortable spot AKA the sweet spot🤗. but trust me there will still be something that will come up and make you abound the camera for a while.
When you start this live stream make sure you stick with it. No Egg hatches in a day, give it time and see results as time goes on.

Follow others that do the same thing you love to do

image by Twomeows

The heading explains itself very well. They often say that birds of the same features flock together this is true in this case. You can say that you like the splinterlands and then choose not to follow others that love playing the game, how can you grow if you don't follow others and keep up with the latest news about the game.

Share your posts everywhere.


It is true that you make more money from Hive and things related to hive. but sharing your post and live that are in other places along with the blockchain make you see others that are looking for something just want to spent time way from their works and more will can attend your show.

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