Work on you and everything else will fall into place on a personal development journey

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Hey there this is my second post on a personal development journey and it has been a funny old week with absolutely everything that could get in the way of progress actually taking place.

While it has been a tough week i made some progress improving despite issues and problems arising.

I made some decisions and took action about what i am going to do with my time online.

I am going to be going down the personal development/health and wellness route,

I think having 17 years experience in battling and overcoming severe mental illness is a pretty strong story lead considering i have been doing this while raising children with my wife, who is my secret angel.

Honestly i could not have got through everything without her i haven't posted a picture of her cause she don't like it, so i respect it.

I don't know exactly how this will all play out but now i have a more focused idea of what i want to do it will be easier to work out a game plan, i am in no rush.

My wife bought me this Chakra wisdom card set so i started sharing them to Facebook i started sharing it to see if would help me and maybe other people in the process.

The Power Of Chakras.jpg

Making little changes to yourself and the world around you really has no choice but to change in response.


The idea is ask a question, keep it simple, shuffle the cards choose 1 or 2 cards.

It's a nice daily task i have been doing and i will see how it goes but so far i think it is having a positive effect.

When it comes down to it if you can get in the right mindset you can achieve anything you want within reality of course.

I upgraded from basic to pro in an affiliate marketing training program i am in called ClickTrackProfit and started going through some of the videos there.

It is a good training platform for newbies and a saves professional marketers a ton of training time cause all the videos are ready to be consumed and drip feed what you need your team to learn.

But it is not just for marketers really i would say, it is an investment and business owner training program because the affiliate marketing is just a small part of it.

One of the things i needed to do was get into my Coinbase account and then it hit me whilst i was in there.

Did you know?

That just by creating, verifying and clicking the learn to earn section there was about £20 basically sitting there in various crypto.


So that was a plus 👍

If you want to learn the basics of how to build a business online visit ClickTrackProfit today they are here on also @clicktrackprofit if you click the image below to join us i get a referral.

Anyways that will be it from me today hope your having an amazing journey in whatever it is you are doing, remember its the weekend reward yourself.


2nd Chakra Sacral Chakra
Reward Myself 😉
I know that I am truly worthy and deserve to receive the good things in life and give myself permission to have them. It is time to enjoy the fruits of my labour's.
I aim to incorporate and embrace fun and joy in my life. I realise that all work and no play is a recipe for energy flow disruption and exhaustion.
I allow myself to experience and recieve more pleasure in my life and I am flexible and open to change.
I am receptive to embracing activities and events that come my way, even those I may have avoided in the past.
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