My little rant about OTO’s

Many of us that are doing online business have seen those one time offers.
Usually they come at the most inconvenient time.
Like when you sign up for something new just to check it out.
Or you might be planning to use it if it is something that you find that you like

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But then they throw at you the “One time offer”
You’ll get a years membership for 50% off,
or lifetime membership for just under $100.

I am thinking great, but you are offering me it at the wrong time.
It’s like saying I’ll sell you my car that is in the garage for 50% off.

I for one is not inclined to buy things unseen.
Even if I think I might use it.

I have bought so called One time offers, that I call log in offers
that comes every time you log in.
But that is usually after I have tested the program and found out that I like it.

I would think that it would be better to present a user with an one time offer
when they have had time to test the program for a while.
Like a week, or 14 days.
Or do like some do have an offer for newly registered members,
that has a time limit like a week or more.
One example is the way Strong Future International
is doing it with their “Launchpack™”
that they offer for new members for 60 days after registering.
I am in fact contemplating buying that
when I have gotten more knowledge on how things work there.

What do you think about one time offers?

Until next time.
Have a nice day & God bless.

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