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The Parksen Green, Smart and Connected City Platform.


The Parksen Green, Smart and Connected City Platform has the ability to upset urban framework ventures. To demonstrate our answer works, we are first going to convey the coveted and essential advancement to a standout amongst the most obsolete ventures out there: Parking and Transportation.

Parksen is an effectively adoptable Green, Smart and Connected City Platform that is available through an open API and runs altogether on the current Parksen Parking Cloud. By using the Ethereum blockchain, the IOTA Tangle and our very own PARQ utility tokens, we will offer an assortment of arrangements and keen gets that will straightforwardly profit a wide range of partners inside urban cities and littler urban areas.

Green, Smart and Connected City Platform

The Parksen City Platform accompanies a widespread dashboard that tracks blockage, contamination, utilization and state of parking spaces, status of associated IoT gadgets and sensors. It additionally incorporates a commercial center for green and savvy machines.

Green, Smart and Connected City Platform world arrangement.

Our stage has been made with the aim of significantly enhancing obsolete and old city foundations. The point is to streamline everyday exercises for any individual who ends up in the core of occupied urban communities. To demonstrate without question the need of our stage, we will put it under a magnifying glass by handling the issues of the Parking and Transportation industry.
To start with, we will patch up and grow our Minimum Viable Product (MVP): the Parksen Stopping application. New highlights will incorporate constant data on movement circumstances, blockage and, in particular, a direction framework that enables drivers to locate the nearest and most reasonable parking spaces close them. Additionally not far off, we'll offer clear, general API's and dashboards for organizations, parking structures, districts, upkeep specialists, crisis administrations and customers. By offering everybody a similar administration, which runs totally on the Parksen Parking Cloud, we guarantee that every single included gathering can remove the go between that drives up their edges, in this manner ensuring sensible and moderate rates in all cases. These API's and dashboards will be associated with an assortment of shrewd city arrangements which will center and depend vigorously around IoT incorporations and brilliant auto innovation.

The gathering of activity related information will permit our application and stage to furnish our clients with a steady stream of exact and ongoing circumstances in the avenues, while neighborhood governments and regions can utilize the information to battle blockage on a more essential level. Organizations are as of now putting vigorously in IoT, and it will involve time before each auto turns into a keen auto, prepared to associate with our Parksen Platform. At last, and maybe above all, in request to animate steady advancement and advancement of our stage, we will offer an open API and discharge unique SDKs for all you engineers out there to play around with.
The Parksen Green, Smart and Connected City Platform will run only on PARQ, our very own Utility Token on the Ethereum Blockchain. With these tokens you will have the capacity to embrace a few activities relying upon the sort of client that you are. Drivers can utilize it to pay for stopping, while people or gatherings that offer parking spaces will have the capacity to procure tokens and utilize PARQ to buy programming or equipment redesigns for their current frameworks, yet additionally licenses and other stopping related costs from our accomplices. We have here a one of a kind plausibility to come together and get significance going. By associating urban communities everywhere throughout the world and having them work under one all inclusive stage, we will have the capacity to impact stopping costs and ensure that no spots are squandered, while at the same time battling clog and hurtful outflows. Is it true that you are prepared for the test and reclaim the power into your very own hands? We unquestionably are. How about we fabricate something extraordinary together and make our urban communities green once more! In the event that you have what it takes and want to contribute, we need to think about it. Watch out for our abundance program going ahead in the event that you have a feeling that you can add to the Parksen stage! With the end goal to ensure our locale and the taking an interest regions have the opportunity to become solid and stable, we have chosen to issue an aggregate of PARQ utility tokens. After watchful thought we trust that this will enable us to center around the long haul objectives of our stage.

By dealing with our circulation legitimately, we guarantee the intensity of our biological system and additionally the soundness of our locale. In view of this, amid the pre-deal we will acknowledge buys for at least 0.1 ETH. Amid general society deal there won't be a base commitment, we would love to offer even the littlest of financial specialists a reasonable possibility of getting on our stage PARQ tokens can be purchased with FIAT money, Paypal, Credit cards and the accompanying digital currency: ETH, BTC. All bought PARQ will be exchanged to the wallets of ICO members after the ICO, KYC and review have finished up.
PARQ Utility Token and the usefulness

We are issuing PARQ Utility Tokens for a few reasons:

to raise assets for the long haul advancement of our Green, keen and Connected City Platform to fill in as go-to installment technique inside the Parksen application and stage for all partners and end-clients. Our PARQ Utility Tokens are ERC20 good, based on the Ethereum blockchain and are in this way suited for some wallets and, above all, for savvy contracts.

for more points of interest on the token and its usefulness, if it's not too much trouble visit the whitepaper(pg 26-28) through the connection beneath.

As delineated in the PARQ Utility Token Distribution and Allocation part, we are making an aggregate of 25% accessible for the network and for blessed messenger financial specialists by methods for a token deal. The token deal will be partitioned between a pre-deal and a open deal.

PARQ pre-deal data

A restricted measure of individuals will be welcome to take an interest in the select first round of our ICO. We need to compensate early connectors and aficionados likewise by giving them early access and gentler costs. We will make 5% of all tokens accessible for the pre-deal, which will offer at a 30% markdown at $0,07. Least commitments amid the pre-deal is 0.1 ETH. The pre-deal will start on 01– 06– 2018 also, end when the tokens are sold out. The general population deal will start after all pre-deal tokens have been sold.
PARQ open deal data

Amid our open deal we will offer 200.000.000 accessible PARQ tokens. Financial specialists will have the capacity to purchase our tokens against a 20% rebate at $0,08. The general population deal will keep running for an entire year or until the point when the majority of the tokens have sold out. Every single unused token toward the finish of our run will be scorched.

for more data please visit.




Authored by shaye;u=1711180

Eth ID. 0xc2B9fc19158f346082995409ad7015146D8A46CD

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