Is the crytpo world going to hit the predicted bull run soon or are we stuck in bear country?


In my non professional opinion this is how I see it. It comes down to a societal adoption curve in terms of blockchain technology and people understanding what that is. The technology is very useful and will be widely used in the future triggering more investing and a bull run. Millennials are demanding decentralization in many aspects of society, financial institutions and the government. Think of the start of Wall Street and no one understood what it meant to buy a stock or how what a mutual fund was or how it worked. They wanted to protect their hard earned money because they leveraged a lot less personal debt and weren't willing to take a risk on something they couldn't understand and couldn't afford to lose on. Blockchain technology has a higher learning curve that has taken time and will continue to take time for mass adoption and understanding but with big companies like IBM adopting it for their cloud services and Amazon creating their own coin it's just a matter of flipping that switch. Recent events have hurt confidence and increased volatility in the market strongly correlating with two Korean Exchanges getting hacked. In about the last 4-5 weeks 2 Korean Exchange hacks caused a $100 billion drops in a 48 hour period (a +25% dip in overall crypto market caps) so people don't feel confident their money is safe. Imagine if the DOW fell 25% people would be freaking out and we'd be dealing with trillions of loss vs the +$100 billion we've seen with overall cryptocurrency market cap. The Korean governments are pushing for regulation. As far as a bull run and how fast it will happen let's go back to around December 2017 to now and take away Bitcoins worst 10 days out of say a total of about 200 days Bitcoin would only be down around 25% total; valuing it at around $15,000 versus the $6,500 it sits around now. When it begins it's bull run it's going to happen quickly. Getting in ahead of the learning adoption curve and buying at these low prices and investing in not just a coin but looking at it as great business is getting in ahead of the bull run and a small $500- $1000 investment could yield massive returns in 1-2 years. (I think a great reference is MTC which is Docademic). They used Telemedicine's business's mobile health platform that had been around for years and applied their blockchain technology and went from nothing to a $60Million market cap and ranked #156 in market cap in a matter of 2 months. A lot will change over this year but the variety and extensive uses that crytpocurrencies and decentralized blockchain technologies offer are nearly endless. These coins are companies,the ICOs are a new form of crowd funding compared to traditional IPOs. The wide range blockchain technologies offer ranges from means of currency, healthcare, gambling, investment banking, social marketing, online sales, voting systems, and beyond. Sky is the limit when it comes to new effective technology like this. The mass adoption will occur it's just a matter of time. Love to hear anyone's opinions. I'm just one man with one voice :)

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