👹 The Chupacabra - Cryptozoology Primer

The human mind is curious. Us humans, collectively, analyze every little thing that happens around us; in fact, even those that happen far from us.

I myself scare easily, but that doesn't mean I'm not curious. One particular thing I'm fond of is cryptozoology.

Crypto-what? I'm here for the coins not this...

Cyrptozoology is a field of study that aims to prove or at least discuss the possibility of existence of those animals or creatures that are rare, mythological, only found on folklore, or those that are already extinct. Like the bigfoot for example, or the one that inspired my username, the chupacabra.

Cool right? It's not a real science though, but hey, airplanes weren't real science during cavemen days.

The Chupacabra

The chupacabra is one of the most, if not the most, well-known of cryptids (creatures studied by cryptozoology).

Most common in central and southern parts of America, it's name is Spanish for goat-sucker. Ha!

The first recorded report of a chupacabra related incident was in Puerto Rico where sheep were found dead, blood drained, and with puncture wounds on the chest. I find it odd, because eight sheep were found dead but the popular name is chupacabra (goat) not chupaoveja (sheep). Oh well.

It's possible that it could be the work of some up-to-no-good human but who knows really. Throughout the years, from the first time they were reported up to this day, reports are still coming in. Same style, three-hole puncture wounds to the chest, blood drained, and dead.

Sightings and incidents go up and down the Americas, and weirdly enough because of its location, in the Philippines.

Witnesses report that they saw a creature that is reptile like, scaly and stuff. Greenish with sharp quills running from its head down through its spine. It moves by hopping around with its hind legs.

Is The Chupacabra Real?

Even though the world keeps getting smaller and smaller everyday, there are still a lot of mysteries that can't be explained. Although there's no definitive proof, I'm open to the idea that there are still creatures that we haven't seen, observed, and recorded.

One (or more) of them could be the chupacabra.

Here's a picture of a kitten and oh, stay safe out there! 😉

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