Grown-up conversation

Tuttle 21st May 2010

How do you have a grown-up conversation about crypto without it becoming borington-snorington?

I'm thinking about CryptoTuttle and the phrase "grown-up" keeps appearing. It may be because I have spent a lot of time recently in telegram channels for various dapps where my mental response has been "how old exactly are you?" or "no no no you idiots". Neither in themselves very grown-up responses to silly behaviour.

At the other end of the extreme, if you dig into crypto twitter and start talking to people building platforms and protocols you soon get into MEGO (my eyes glazed over) territory. That's because so much of this is wildly new, complex and experimental and based on some advanced mathematics and computer science. It's hard to know whether the person you're speaking to is saying something really important but poorly phrased or just actually spouting gobbledy-gook. Are they the grown-ups?

Well no, we're all grown ups and we can behave like it if we choose. I come back to creating a space where people can talk about what they want to talk about and move on if their eyes are either glazing or popping. So format is important and so is invitation, but I guess I'm also drifting towards the idea of something manifesto-like to make it clearer what I'm after, not just closing my eyes and hoping for the best.

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