EOS Surpasses Litecoin in Market Cap

Good morning, Steemians!


It's been too long since I've posted. I think it's been 8 or 9 days. Anyway, I've been really busy (not a good excuse). I noticed this morning that EOS has taken over LTC's 5th spot in market capitalization - very exciting! Wish I still held my EOS. The whole market is moving into what I hope is a full on bull market, although I've been complacently buying a lot of bags at the dip.

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I've been losing faith in Litecoin for quite a while now, and haven't held any LTC bags in many months. I've seen more potential with NEO, as many of you know I'm HUGE into NEO. I'm not ashamed to shill my favorite coin. It's the Chinese Ethereum, better than ETH, pays you for holding it, and it's ATH was around $180, ($65 ATM). Anyway, just a little update today. I hope to get back to posting regularly!

Thanks for stopping by, have a great Friday!

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