Crypto New #Bitcoin

✅ The cost of bitcoin decreased to $ 10,700, while the altcoyns sank by 15-35%.

The Chairman of the People's Bank of China (PBOC) Pan Gongsheng believes that the government should strengthen measures with regard to crypto-currency trading. He calls for the banning of crypto-exchanges, as well as the activities of individual citizens and institutions related to the crypto-currency market (including wallets and other services).

"Despite the danger of tight regulation, in the first half of 2018, South Korea is expected to open ten new trading platforms.

Chinese giant of Internet trading Alibaba secretly launched a mining platform. Alibaba registered the site of P2P Nodes on October 10, 2017. It is assumed that the company will integrate the mining operations into its Internet trading platform. According to other sources, Alibaba will launch a separate cloud mining service, renting out the hashing power.

✅ France creates a working group to regulate crypto currency, which will develop legislative norms for the crypto industry. In December, the country was already allowed to trade non-listed securities using blockage.

✅ In Wednesday, January 17, GDAX opens trading in a pair of BCH / BTC. Listing Bitcoin Cash on GDAX will happen the second time. The first launch in December was suspended almost immediately on suspicion of insider trading.

✅** The Moscow Stock Exchange (MOEX) reported that it is working on creating an infrastructure for a new type of trading, and once the regulators come to a common solution, the site will launch trading in crypto-currencies, their derivatives and exchange-traded funds for crypto-currencies (ETFs).**

"Dmitry Medvedev believes that in a few years the crypto currency can disappear, and the blockage will become a part of everyday reality.

The UNICEF charitable foundation will sponsor the block-start-ups aimed at helping children. The fund is going to invest in block-projects from $ 50,000 to $ 90,000.

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