thoughts on cryptocurrency part 1

So today I am waiting to receive bitcoin that I bought almost a week ago. I am going to put up posts to get the word out if websites that say that they would double their money, if they were to really work.
I am so intrigued by the cryptocurrency world. It is a fascinating creation of human ingenuity, creativity and cold hard science.

I wonder what will become of this form of technology. I think that it would allow for the creation of things that would not be possible, possibly with the aide of robotics, the block-chain could then be seen as a complete thought ledger system.

The ultimate database, with little to no flaws or loopholes. I think that it could help in the record keeping field, as well as the neural networks that A.I. scientists are working on.

I think that the concept of cryptocurrency is a great hack of computer technology. Although I like to think of it as a sort of regression in what we have done with money so far in the state run wealth system.

As far as is known to me, the very thing that gave our money the very value that we so cherish it for, was that someone said that it was worth something. Or that it represented something. Something that was tangible in the world.

In ancient Sumeria, I think. They would have clay tablets, these tablets were made in different shapes and forms. And it was these tablets that were what they would trade with. They would have these markings on the tablet in order to describe something of the item that they were trading.

Now, while being unsure of the origin of confidence scams. Someone had to know how to make these, and then know how to make them mean what they were trying to trade. Now the people trading, they did not need to understand completely why this shape or that hole meant, as long as the operating procedure, that of it being used to keep track of value of the goods that you have to trade.

At least that is what I think that these tablets were used for, a sort of early form of money similar to how we used to use the government issue bank notes. These pieces of cloth, yes cloth. Were the representation of a set amount of valuable good, a good that most every one that would see as being worth something. This being gold.

So ill see how this does, and if people are interested ill write more. I say around 10 up votes would be enough for me to be motivated to write more, if not ill think of something else to write about.

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