CryptoKitties Bios are Hillarious!!! Free Cantonese speaking CryptoKittie to the funniest Bio in the Comments!!!!

How often have you been breeding your Kitties and experienced a deep belly laugh from the Biographies? Every single time for me and my family--its half the fun for us. We speculated that Dapper Labs hired someone to write these we searched their open pawsitions and found that this was not a job!

So we did some quick math and realized this would be an impossible task for a human to undertake--so we set about asking all the kind folks on Cryptokitties Discord Channel. Apparently, no two Kittie Biography is the same and some kittie'seven have hilarious bios in Chinese when you put them through google translate.


"Mr. ladies! ! Please call this Nero Dullrubin! I only want to live with people who have a consensus with me. We all believe that catnip is definitely a conspiracy tool developed by evil forces. To be honest, Benedict can really give up all the comet food in order to get rid of the fishnet stockings. Maybe Ben and you can be good friends!"

According to Byzantinist on Discord in the #general the Kitties dame determines which language your Kitties Bio will be in-so if you want a Chinese Bio chose a dame with the Chinese language bio. According to Reddit user ResidentCoolCat the bit of programming which makes these lovable bios possible is:

Bryce CK
6 points

2 months ago
Kind of. There's a basic template i.e. greeting personal introduction flavor and personality with multiple variables throughout i.e. type of greeting, hobbies, etc. Those variables are updated every week or two – some terms or phrases are retired while others are added.

Same goes for the cat names, but on a much smaller scale a feature we built in November or December last year but didn't have time to implement until recently. To date, I have yet to see two identical bios.

Post your funny Bios in the comments- when we get 10 posts we will give away one of our fair Cantonese speaking Kitties to who we think has the funniest bio!

Just leave your eth wallet below a screenshot of your favorite-most hilarious-kittie bio to enter.

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