Generation 1 Purebred Rare Collectible Jaguar CryptoKitties

The Jaguar pattern cattribute is a very special cattribute as it can only be found in the original 100, generation 0 Founder kitties. Even the Genesis( kitty is a purebred Jaguar. All founder kitties are 100% pure Orangesoda Jaguar kitties. Any higher generation cat with a Jaguar gene is a descendant of at least one of the Founder cats.

Generation 1 purebred Jaguar kitties are extremely rare and very expensive to produce. Both parents of these kitties must be two of the 100 Founder kitties. As of now there are only 27 purebred Jaguar kitties in the game. I've always wanted to own one of these in my collection and kept waiting for a good deal to come up. This week, I became the proud owner of 6 (yes six!!! 😱 out of the 27) purebred generation 1 Orangesoda Jaguar kitties.


Purebred Generation 1 Jaguars

All these six came from the same parents, Founder kitty #42 and Founder kitty #69, which belonged to the same owner in the past, however, there were sold, and now they belong to different owners.

I am so happy to have these extremely rare and special kitties in my collection. They will remain a piece of history forever.

You need to be able to look at the kitty's genes to appreciate that these are 100% pure Orangesoda + Jaguar. For example, let's look at one of my purebred Jaguars, Kitty #384157. Go to and search for the kitty you want to analyze: .


You see that the Basecolour genes are 100% pure Orangesoda (4444) and the Pattern genes are 100% pure Jaguar (cccc).

Now let's look at another generation 1 Jaguar with only one of the parents being a Founder pure Orangesoda/Jaguar. For example: .


Visually it is an Orangesoda Jaguar, however, the experienced collectors/players always look at the parents and at the genes. Now, let's look at the genes of this kitty: .


As you can see, neither the Orangesoda basecolour or the Jaguar pattern genes are 100% pure. There are other hidden basecolour and pattern cattributes that were inherited from the non-Founder kitty and can manifest in the offsprings.

There are many collectors, who look after 100% pure genes. Orangesoda and Jaguar are extremely special as those are the Founder genes.

Hope you enjoyed this article and learned a little​ bit about the CryptoKitties genes! 😀

Please give a ❤️ to my new Jaguar kitties 😊 and as always BREED RESPONSIBLY ✌️!

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