High-Volume, Large CryptoKitty Sales | "The future is meow" ✌️😎

CryptoKitties have been gaining some major attention lately. They have been featured on Meural Canvas, an article in TechCrunch, Fortune. At least twice on NPR in the last month: here and here.
With ETH and the entire cryptocurrency market being down, quite a few major CrytpoKitty sales occurred in the past few days.
Just today, someone who goes by the nickname "ColdGuy" purchased quite a few Fancy #1 kitties.

The brand new Fancy #1 Purrity was sold for 20ETH ($5,497).


#1 Raspoutine was also sold for 20ETH.


#1 Fortune cat was bought for 10.36ETH by the same guy.


#1 Mistletoe was sold for 10ETH.


The same user bought Founder#40 Jaguar for 26ETH.

At least one more Founder was sold this week, I believe for 23ETH.

Definitely, some serious collectors who are seeing the long-term value are stepping into the game.

As the CryptoKitties team says "The future is meow" ✌️😎

Do you own any CryptoKitties? Please share links to your favorite kats in the comments.

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