#5 Crypto For The Day - Countries creating their own Cryptocurrency

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This post is inserted in the new created series Introducing: Crypto For The Day blog post series , you can follow all the post in the tag #cryptofortheday

Like the title says, i keep seeing news about countries creating and embracing the blockchain technology, this is a huge step for the blockchain technology because countries are recognizing his true potential and they are gonna use it to improve alot of industries and potential grow their own economies.

Here is the countries that news come out they are creating or atleast thinking about it:


Dubai signs deal to create digital currency emCash

Japanese Banks

Japanese banks are thinking of making their own cryptocurrency called the J-Coin


Estonia wants to launch its own government-backed cryptocurrency called 'estcoin'


Indian Government To Consider Introducing Its Own Bitcoin-Like Cryptocurrency Called Lakshmi Coin

We certanily will be having alot more countries recognizing the technology and use it to improve some fields, mainly economics fields.

What you think about this news?

Follow me on Twitter @johnycrypto

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