facts about cryptocurrency

While the idea of a digital currency was actualized decades ago, cryptocurrency was conceived less than 3 decades ago. However, it was never actualized until 2009 and when the real code was developed. However, the surprising thing is that no one owns the king of cryptocurrencies — the bitcoin. The first interesting fact about cryptocurrency: It is credited to Satoshi Nakamoto but there is not real connection. He has not even claimed ownership of the code. This is an ecosystem that is open for people to mine and get commissions as well as rewards. If you are looking for the owner, you will not get anytime soon.
In 2009, one Bitcoin was worth $0.003 which is another interesting fact about cryptocurrency. People had not taken note of the currency and were not even interested in its value. By 2017 Dec, the value was $17900 and rising. Today, it has fallen to $6,000. This translates to shedding 2/3 of its value in just two months. This is an indication of the volatility of cryptocurrency. In fact, this is one of the reasons many investors are keeping away from the coins. The value can swing dramatically causing both huge gains and losses. The value is pegged on perception and is not controlled by any central bank or monetary regulator.
Cyrptocurrencies like bitcoins can be broken down into fractions. This allows buyers to invest in 1/10 of a currency. For instance, if the value of Ethereum is $100, you can buy ½ or ¼. This is an opportunity for many people to invest and gain value over time. It also presents a chance for small scale investors to participate in the cryptocurrency market
This is one of the unbelievable facts about cryptocurrency and specifically Bitcoin. A developer used 10,000 bitcoins to pay for 2 pizzas in 2010. That only points at how far the coin and generally the market have come. In December of 2017, that would have translated to $179,000,000. This would have been enough to buy a Picasso painting that cost that amount back in 2015. This points at growing interest in cryptocurrencies and their volatility over the years. This was 20 million dollars more than the brand value of Arsenal football club by 2017. Imagine buying a global soccer concern for only 2 pizzas in 2010
The value of your bitcoins or cryptocurrency lies in your wallet. If you lose the wallet or access details to your wallet, you have lost your currency. This is because of the absence of a central point where the codes can be generated. It means that once you lose the current code, you have no place to get another. You should keep your access codes safe and away from unnecessary exposure. You can use an online wallet or a physical one to store your wallets.
n its own way. These wallets can be linked to major credit cards to make transactions easier. Some even allow you to send the currencies using text message or email. In fact, many of these wallets offer more features than just storage.
We are yet to hear the end of cryptocurrencies as new uses and information emerge. This is a growing ecosystem with unique offerings for investors and the financial market. As new coins are born, the market will get more interesting to watch

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