Xmoneta is ICO is live! BONUS + 50 % .

Xmoneta is ICO is live! BONUS + 50 % .

Now it’s our third day of the ICO and we can already feel the dynamics of the global shift.

Blockchain VS Web 2.0
Before many would have thought the Web 2.0 would be naturally succeeded by the Web 3.0. And that would be the next revolution and evolution of the Internet. Yet there was another revolution — the evolution of money — the blockchain.
The revolutions are never about the tools and things, but about the shift in consciousness and the people perception of realities. It’s about the changing the injustices and making new rules. Revolutions and neither evolution come easy and the dominant actors are keeping their positions till the end. The evolution of money somehow twisted the linear scheme of the internet development. Because the dominant hierarchy of the internet was hugely based on the old money. Now there are ongoing online repressions against the cryptocurrencies and new ICOs.
Before it was the Facebook ban and now recently the Google joined the fight. Censure is as always is masked as the interests of common people. The petro-dollars and ad-dollars have common interests. This is the point where we can’t look at the technological development from a merely technical standpoint, but need to understand the political economies of the global money cartels. Blockchain might be the new layer and paradigm of the internet, but society is still hugely manipulated by the old paradigm of money. Decentralization is what hurts the most for that because it removes its tentacles. Whether it is a software, company or network, when it’s out from the pyramid, it doesn’t serve its purpose. That’s why the decentralized technology is now the greatest asset for the humanity that can disrupt the power dominance existing over the centuries.
This shift is very complex and multilayered. Probably there wouldn’t we just one project, coin or token, that can change it all. We at Xmoneta understood, that we need new tools, that will boost in and help to access it in more simple form for the everyday user. Xmoneta will be an open platform and messenger for the new technological paradigm. We are creating the multi-currency blockchain, that will allow using many cryptocurrencies and fiat money. It is a shift technology and a switch between the crypto and fiat.

Our ICO has also recently started and you can join in now to support the cause: https://xmoneta.com

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