Utilizing the crowdfunding phenomenon by using the cryptocurrency: Cybit

What’s up everybody WAJAHAT is here with an exciting blog on CyBit. Blockchain works on the decentralization which involves the distribution of data into chain of record books, runs on the fast processing system which provides the next level security at the low rates in contrast to traditional system. Blockchain is strictly depends on its user interest that how he exploit or utilizes its potential to take the full advantage. The progressing and thriving stage of the blockchain as the market capability rely on the user’s interest and confidence that they put in it. Today different platforms are available which connect the people from all over the world. To utilize this power of crowd in a right way to stimulate the innovation becomes the driving force in our society. Crowdfunding is the true demonstration of of how to control the power of crowd and utilizes it for the good of the society. Ethereum is the public platform that integrates the blockchain and providing the smart contracts and allows the cryptocurrency trading by eliminating the intermediaries. To implement this idea of power of crowdfunding, cybit takes an initiative step and build its own platform that helps people who wants to setup their businesses or wants to be part of valuable project. It will trained the users to elevate the needed funds by the use of crowdfunding tools and techniques. Simultaneously, it also enable the investors to assess the possible business proposals that will raise the high funding. It is the new platform that will connect the investors and the individuals who need funds to start yup the businesses.

CBT, a cryptocurrency token which will play a major role in this connection. Some rules have been set before initiating this platform that will help in building the relationship among all participants and maintain the transparency named as CYBITONOMY. The world is full of talented people who have the innovative ideas with the potential to create some change but the surroundings and the unavailability of the platform limits them in their available resources. Cybit project is purposely plan to help those individuals and also let the world to take benefits from these type of individuals by creating a platform that itself attract those individuals eliminating the need to find out them from the crowd by making the platform universally available. The cryptocurrency market shows the considerable growth in the last year and cross the barrier of US$ 100 billion as compared to last few years in which the annual growth was just US$ 18 billion. The movement shows that crowdfunding will control most of the share of the cryptocurrency market in next year as the crowdfunding is considered the most trusted platform regarding the fund raising mechanism by the skilled enterprises. Around the world, many institutions like American health care tragedies controlling crowdfunding, Dubai is also taking part in open up the crowdfunding platforms. Mostly crowdfunding projects which have the high growth are those that involves the cryptocurrency and it is estimated that by 2020, the crowdfunding market will reach up to $ 90 billion.
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