Will Every App Need To Have A Coin In The Future?

Lets go forward 5 to 10 years. We are the point where crypto is made easy and everything from games to social media to streaming services has the ability to have a cryptocurrency attached to it. The question is, at this stage, will you need to have a cryptocurrency to compete? Would you watch netflix if a similar service offered you a coin for watching tv? Or play a game that doesn't let you keep your equipment where there are a dozen that do? Same with social media. Will you need a coin to compete in the future?

To me I do not see every company making a coin but I do see a couple having coins that can be gained in different apps. Maybe netflix and facebook use the same coin. And there will be companies that will issue their own. But I feel this is tech that cannot be ignored. Sure it can be pushed back and probably will be but when people get used to it they will want to get coins from their apps.

What do you think?


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