Brace Yourself For Possible Crash If Bitcoin Doesn't Pass 4k, Don't Panic We Will Be Fine

So I have wrote a couple of posts about being going pass 4.2k and how I am feeling the sentiment of bitcoin changing to positive. That being said we are far from out of the bear market. If we don't break the 4 line of resistance we might head back to 3k and we could even go below that.

Why am I telling you this? Because in case it happens I do not want anyone to panic. Just keep working on steemit and focus on making more coins. There is a lot of people who think we are going up from here so don't get disappointed if we see a big drop. This is a great time to keep accumulating. We will see what happens and I am positive we are heading up but I am preparing myself if we don't.

Just keep plugging away.


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