ITs Forked! BitCoin Gold


So BTC forked again, suprised na. But what is the benefit of BTG bitcoin gold, well as it is about to launch on 12th Nov 2017, it is seeing some big gains in the run up.


Heres a good explanation of the new currency.

The vision of Bitcoin Gold is to make Bitcoin mining decentralised again. By changing Bitcoin’s proof-of-work algorithm from SHA256 to Equihash, all of the specialised SHA256 mining equipment will be obsolete for mining the Bitcoin Gold blockchain. Thus, Bitcoin Gold will provide an opportunity for countless new people around the world to participate in the mining process with widely-available consumer hardware that is manufactured and distributed by reputable mainstream corporations. A more decentralised, democratic mining infrastructure is more resilient and more in line with Satoshi’s original vision.


It seems like this will or aim to become a currency for the people again, but I guess the question is will the people see it as a valuable coin just as they have in the past year with BTC. Let's not fool ourselves this whole game is speculation but so are fiat's but those currencies are run on debt, digital is not, so while we are prepared to slave for debt as a society in $, sterling, euro ect. Trading in such coins that have a purpose rather than a precious metal, surely the value of systems and generated value is worth more than precious metals.

Because at the end of the day precious metals are used in products, just as the right digital currency is useful for process and systems of the future. The industrial revolution wasnt that long ago, given we were not around, but the cusp of the centralised digital revolution is on hand. (skynet if you like)

So I see BTG as a currency that could quite possibly run aside BCC in long term. When I think of BTC I think of myspace, where BCH and potentially BTG are the facebook and instagram. But hey thats speculation right.


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