UNBELIEVABLE: Congress submits bill making it illegal to hold cash, Bitcoin, or other assets outside of a bank without informing them in writing

Someone on FB who knows I am into Cryptocurrency sent me this article and asked if I was aware. I did hear about the bill making it mandatory to have to disclose how much Crypto you have when crossing the border but this... this takes it to a whole other level. It's time to break out those pitchforks and meet at the town green. See you in a few.

(This may be the same bill about the disclosure while crossing the border - at this moment I have yet to verify)

Just as the War on Drugs was never actually about slowing down or stopping the import and use of illegal narcotics, so too was the spurious War on Terror not about stopping individuals or groups from inciting violence for political means. In fact, we already know that U.S. agencies have funded, trained, and armed the very terror groups that are supposedly on the FBI’s Terror Watch List when they supported them in the taking over of Libya, and in the attemp to take over Syria.

So the question then has to be asked… what are the purposes behind the ideological wars against drugs and terror really all about? Well, since the real victims going back to the 1970’s when the War on Drugs was instituted by President Richard Nixon have been the millions of Americans incarcerated for victimless crimes, and the billions of dollars seized without a trial in what is known as Civil Forfeiture, then it is fairly obvious who these wars were really focused against.

Continue Reading: http://www.theeventchronicle.com/finanace/congress-submits-bill-making-illegal-hold-cash-bitcoin-assets-outside-bank-without-informing-writing/

The Bill:

Also make note of this from the bottom of the article:
The Event Chronicle Note: The newer bills with the strips in them can be scanned and detected at airports, detected in the US mail, on the highway, and even within your own home. If you travel with large amount of cash, or keep an emergency supply at home, place the cash within mylar bags to remain undetected. 😉

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