Escher logo competition.

UIP4 — Escher logo competition is now OPEN

We have now opened the Escher logo competition for submissions on GitHub.

You can submit your designs to by clicking the following link:

The selected design will be used as the official logo for the Escher Governance system.

We also welcome feedback on the submission and selection criteria for the UIP.

Submission Criteria

1.Each user will be allowed to submit 3 of their best designs for consideration.

2.The designs must be vectors (.svg format) and must be uploaded in a zip file as GitHub does not allow .svg extensions to be attached.

3.Users must attach designs as a comment under this GitHub thread.

Users can attach their vector files by dragging & dropping them onto the above comment field.

4.Users must declare their discord username so we can contact them about the bounty.

Users can find their Username by looking under ‘My Account’ in settings

Please post the full username, including the # and user number (e.g. Kris Lester#4310)

Selection Criteria

1.Depending on the number of submissions, voting may take place over one or two phases. If there are a large number of submissions the top voted options will be taken into round two, to ensure that one option does not win by collecting 5% of the total vote for example.

2.If there are a large number of submissions and one option clearly wins by a majority, this will be selected without the need for phase two of voting.

3.Voting will take place over a 1 week period for phase one and another 1 week period for phase two if necessary.


  1. 150 UBQ will be paid to the winner, upon selection.

If there are any questions from the community, please contact me in Discord in the #Ubiq or #Ubiq-Marketing channels.

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