The perfect storm, for us long-term cryptocurrency traders!

I know a lot of people are hurting right now, especially if you're one of those day to day trader types.

I too was one of those in my twenties, and then I learned via stress and absolute aggravation... that day trading was not for me.

Fast-forward to today, in my thirties, and somewhat of a noob to the cryptocurrency space, and this Chinese exit from the market is a dream come true for me.

I am in this for the long-haul, and I only focus on a small group of coins and tokens of which have real potential, and that are, in my opinion, above all else in quality.

I know for you younger folks out there, that this method of investing is tough, because all you wanna do is look at the prices every five minutes, but let me warn you... you will probably always lose at day trading.

So, in conclusion, find your superstar cryptocurrencies, invest in them as often as possible... and then just let time do its thing.

China Exits the Cryptocurrency Market

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