Crypto Investing In A Volatile Market

What is Bitcoin?

A lot of people are waking up to Bitcoin and other crypto’s, but some are fearful - I remember I was! But it’s really simple and convenient to use once you understand the basics.

The most watched Bitcoin introduction video ever

How I buy bitcoin

I use Luno – simply download the app, verify your account, add your bank account, fund your account, and buy bitcoin. Here’s a video that I find helpful

Then I use Coinpayments to convert btc to other currencies.

Not everything is champagne and roses

Be warned though, there are plenty of scams around! I’ve lost plenty of money, but hopefully gained some experience and learned some lessons along the way.

After Ethtrade announced they were no longer doing business in South Africa, I moved my investments to Cryp Trade Capital after good recommendation and doing some research of my own. Here are a few helpful links :


Cryp Trade Capital website
Cryp Trade Official FB page
Cryp Trade Capital You Tube
Cryp Trade How to deposit, invest and withdraw


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💎 Long term Investments, payouts twice/mnth
💎 Portfolios from as low as $50
💎 Earn 17.7 - 29.7% per month
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Cryp Trade Capital Worldwide offices & CEO

Disclaimer: Only 2 things in life are guaranteed: death and taxes. Please always do your own due diligence and don’t invest more than you can afford to lose.

Missed my previous posts? Catch them here
[6.] $434.50 after 12 days
[5.] Color Challenge Friday’s Blue – Strand Pavillion Hotel
[4.] 5 of the best places to find white stuff in Cape Town this weekend
[3.] Color Challenge Green : Mason chilling by the pool
[2.] Choc fudge cake in 10mins
[1.] Introduction

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