Bytecoin - The Cryptonight Legend


Humankind evolved in such a way that humans have been learning to perform everyday tasks more and more efficiently, reasonable competition between old and new ways being the basis for the evolution. We know positively that there is space for improvements in any modern area of activity, including The Finances.

The goal of any financial system is to ensure efficient operation of a currency at minimal costs. Said operation allows for reducing fees, benefitting the end users. We believe that improving existing financial systems as well as designing and implementing new ones that would serve the same goals even more efficiently is a necessity.

Our mission is to develop a new financial system, more efficient than the existing ones, i.e. providing all the same functions at less cost for the users. We have selected the following principles as governing for this proje

Bytecoin was the first private untraceable cryptocurrencym with current Market Capitalization of $223,107,513 and $2,946,830 24h trade volume.

What is Bytecoin?

Bytecoin is a private, decentralized cryptocurrency with open source code that allows everyone to take part in the Bytecoin network development. Privacy and security come naturally from using Bytecoin. The best solution for those who want to keep their financial privacy.

Instant private transactions are provided all around the world by the Bytecoin Network, they are totally untraceable, and they don’t require any additional fees.

The Bytecoin ecosystem is extremely diverse which makes it very liquid by its nature.

You are the only one person who has access to your investments. All coins are located in your desktop wallet that exclude any gateway to them by a third party which makes your investments secure.

Untraceable deposits and withdrawals will make your investments inaccessible in all instances. No one will know the wallet address from where the coins came from. Save your transaction history and keep your balance away from prying eyes.

Bytecoins are gradually getting more expensive over time, since the emission is limited to 184.47 billion BCN. The number of Bytecoin emitted each 120 seconds is slightly decreasing. As a result BCN gains value and the exchange rate increases.

While currencies with sharp decreases of reward per block are exposed to intense declines in network power, Bytecoin emissions are decreasing slowly, which protects the currency from economic shocks.

The emission of fiat currencies is a closed process where an issuer is engaging in its own capabilities. One can’t take part in the emission process.

All transactions are carried out every 120 seconds. The Miners ensure that the transactions are processed correctly and provide cryptographic protection of transactions and personal data. However, miners cannot access users' financial data since Bytecoin protects the identity of the sender and the receiver, and conceals the sum transferred.

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