U.K Jumping on Regulation Bandwagon

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Well it is official, Cryptocurrencies are definitely a financial services and currency disruptive force.

If you take a look at my recent posts I have been talking about the new regulations which are taking place world wide; Canada, US, Saudi and now the U.K.

The U.K Treasury Commission has launched a working group to discuss how they can regulate Cryptocurrencies, and how these currencies are currently being used in the marketplace.

In essence, how are they disrupting traditional methods of payment and investments. Right now this is an unregulated market in the U.K, as it is all over the world in fact. Obviously if we take a look at worldwide trends surrounding regulation this will not be the case for long. When Governments and Central banks start to take notice, and start talking about regulations this means that everything changes.

The rules of engagement will eventually change, I just don’t know how and what that will mean for investors and ICO’s alike.

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