Does PayPal have a challenger?

There are no referrals for BitCash, so there is no referral link, this is purely my experience take it for what it's worth.

I've been trying out a few projects that are currently competing to dethrone PayPal. They are all interesting, but one stands out as having a good chance of doing well.

PayPal has proven time and time again that they are an evil organization that doesn't care about their sellers or buyers. Doing business using PayPal is extremely risky as they are known for freezing accounts and charities for months with little to no warning. In many cases, never returning the money or making users wait months to even a year after tens of hours of communication back and forth.

I have personally used PayPal for over 10 years as a merchant and every transaction is a risk. Even following their protocols by sending only to a confirmed address and using a signature based carrier, you are at risk of being scammed.

BitCash is a new cryptocurrency project that is hoping to release paypal's monopoly on the small business and peer to peer payment services industry.

BitCash (not to be confused with BitcoinCash) is a relatively new cryptocurrency that offers a lot of the same features of PayPal, however using the blockchain technology.

Bitcash Features

Account Nicknames

Account nicknames allows users to easily send money without having to remember long cryptic addresses and potentially sending to the wrong user.

Stored Transaction Book

This is where BitCash has a nice UI and backend giving a good shot at being the next PayPal. Each BitCash user can enter private record only shared between buyer and seller to document a tranaction. This makes it a lot easier to document your services for customers and a lot easier for book keeping for both a buyer and seller.

Instant and low cost international money transfers

While Steem has free transactions, most blockchains don't. BitCash does however have similar speed transactions as Steem with very low fees.

Send BitCash to non BitCash users

This is a great feature to increase adoption but also make it easier to conduct business using BitCash.

Use BitCash with 1000's of online stores

The owner of the project has a lot of connections and plans to have 1000's of online stores integrated with BitCash within the next few months.

From what I understand, this is going to be implemented with integrations with Magento, BigCommcerce, and Shopify, the three biggest online shopping carts in use today.

Pay Bills with BitCash

I don't know much about this, but it is one of those "coming soon" things.


You can currently mine BitCash, and I have done extremely well doing so. I initially CPU mined early, now CPU mining isn't worth it as GPU mining is now available. GPU mining has made things much more competitive, but still extremely lucrative compared to Etherium.

I made 9 blocks in the last 24 hours using two Nvidia 1070's. I am currently only mining about 50% of the time as I no longer have mining rigs and mine off my desktop. Each block has a 19.5 BitCash block reward with a BitCash typically being sold for around 2500-5000 Sats. That puts my daily profit at around $27-$55 depending on how long I mine for.

If I mined Ethereum, I'd make around $0.86 a day and about $0.98 if I mined BitCoinGold.

I'm doing far better mining BitCash than I was mining Merit. With GPU prices on the down turn, I am considering picking some up to bring some rigs back online.

If you do decide to mine it, I recommend checking out this link on how to optimize the gpu mining.

Are they delivering?

So far they have completed every roadmap milestone for their Q3 2018 roadmap.

  • Safe Privacy blockchain feature designed
  • Transaction records onto the blockchain
  • BitCash wallet for Windows
  • BitCash wallet for Mac
  • Integrate transaction records into wallets
  • Safe Privacy blockchain
  • Paper wallet creation and backup
  • New Bitcash website launched
  • CukooCycle POW algorithm
  • Unique difficulty retargetting algorithm
  • Verify before sending feature
  • Send to "Anyone" feature
  • BitCash network is launched
  • Create network explorer
  • GPU Miner
  • Integrate GPU Miner into Wallet
  • Discord community launched

In the next few months they are working on Mining Pools, Web Wallet, Store Integration, Recurring Payments, and other cool features.

By Q1 2019 they plan to be listed on a major exchange, and I have been told they will not list on a smaller exchange that can result in low liquidity and massvie volativity. As of right now, you can only OTC trade and the current price ranges from 3000-10000 sats.

The core team have been really responsive on their Discord and extremely active. Just in the last week GPU mining support has been added.


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