Ben Swann's "Reality Check" is Back and It's All Thanks to Cryptocurrency

Ben Swann's hit series "Reality Check" disappeared from the airwaves last year causing quite a stir. Conspiracy theories abounded about how he was taken out for reporting the truth when, in reality (no pun intended), he was canceled because he challenged the status quo.

Over the years, Swann has helped to expose everything from the vile nature of the DEA's war on medical cannabis to the fake Russian hacking conspiracy theory pushed by the mainstream media.

Swann spoke truth to power and truth is always a threat to the establishment which will use any means necessary to silence those who expose their crimes. Swann was temporarily silenced. Now, however, he is back and it's all thanks to cryptocurrency.

It's not just any cryptocurrency, however, it is the Dash coin.

As Dash Force News reports, according to Swann, a long-term fan, and user of cryptocurrency, Dash has risen above the pack because of its unique features:

“I have been an advocate for cryptocurrencies as well as the blockchain for years (since 2013) and when I was made aware of the Dash treasury, I was intrigued beyond that, the more I learned about Dash as digital cash, as well as the [InstantSend] technology, I believe that Dash is poised to excel beyond other altcoins because it is technologically superior.”
Using the Dash Treasury, holders of Dash formed a partnership with Swann to fund the production of his show.

As Joël Valenzuela points out:

The Reality Check relaunch proposal ranks as one of the largest to date in Dash’s history. The show previously reached many millions of viewers, and Swann remains confident that similar results will be achievable with the relaunch. Dash will be the sole sponsor of Reality Check during this new iteration, which will include syndicated videos across other networks, as well as physical appearances by Swann and his team at several cryptocurrency and blockchain events and conferences. Additionally, Dash will serve as the sole sponsor of the Truth in Media website, including co-branded merchandise.

The proposal was launched in December over the holidays, and generated a significant amount of buzz and discussion, including a flurry of questions from the community. Included in these questions was a call for assurance that the Dash network had some sort of guarantee that Swann and his team would be able to deliver, especially since Dash’s funding mechanism is purely protocol-level and does not include any traditional assurance of delivery from contractors such as a legal contract. Swann improvised by drawing up a legal contract with the Dash masternode network as signatories, with a successful “yes” vote to be considered a binding signature, in a unique way of forming a business partnership, according to Swann:

“The experience of seeking the funding was stressful, but we actually approached Dash in a way that no one ever has before, including the creation of a digital contract that utilized blockchain transactions as signatures.”
The ability of a decentralized currency to fund an alternative media production speaks to the power of cryptocurrencies and paves the way for a bright future in spite of the government and tech giant crackdown and censorship we are seeing today.

As Dash Force News points out, Dash is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), and because of its completely decentralized structure, anyone can participate in its ecosystem without seeking permission from any one person or group of people. Because of this, there is no centralized organization that can be intimidated into cutting funding for controversial media, but rather a broad network of thousands of anonymous investors who can fund whatever projects they see fit without fear.

Using Dash to fund the operation, episodes will get massive exposure and will be uploaded to Facebook, YouTube, DTube, LBRY, Amazon Prime, Roku, embedded on Steemit and News Websites.

Thanks to crypto technology and the blockchain, the future is indeed bright. As Swann notes:

“It was an intense process to deal with so many people simultaneously but it was also exhilarating to be part of something so groundbreaking. To fund a media project entirely with crypto demonstrates the power of this currency goes far beyond just financial… it is changing power structures in many industries.”
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