IUNO - Blockchain Powered Banking As a Service!

Most of the banks in our time are annoying in terms of high fees and if you do not have much money or your job is not very good, you are not considered as a well 'investment'. Only people with money are considered to be a respected person, others are not even cared. Many of the banks see people as 'money or investment'. Even the customer services do not care about you if you did not invest in that place.

IUNO, the blockchain powered Banking As A Service, is going to be solving all these problems, even with a more secure and transparent way! Everyone is equal and respected, your personality will not consist of your assets or money!
This perfect platform is introduced right here: https://iuno.io

This great project is doing token sale right now and already achieved to get %55 of their goal! Many other people believed in IUNO too for the future of Banking on Blockchain! Their token sale goes until 16th November.


They have explained some of the problems of current banking conditions and their solutions for them. They want to change this system by providing equal opportunities to everyone!

IUNO's Plan

IUNO is building a progressive shared banking biological community over an appropriated blockchain stage anchored by an impenetrable personality management framework. The soundness and liquidity in their biological system are ensured by fiat-supported tokens. IUNO's AI-based hazard and consistence devices ensure the people and the uprightness of their condition.

According to IUNO's dream, a reality where customary banks have turned out to be out of date need to come true! Banking is given as an administration over a decentralized wallet, enabling people to have finish control of their advantages. People loan to one another, people put resources into one another, people execute with one another - straightforwardly - without the requirement for delegates.

IUNO's Ecosystem consists of 4 main elements.

The first element is that they will be creating a Decentralized Banking Platform which is called Banking As a Service, powered with the unique technology of Blockchain. IUNO Wallets will provide easy and fast payments for people all over the world! You may keep your assets in your wallet, earn interest or receive and send money easily.


The Second element of this ecosystem is the payment gateway for merchants. They will be providing merchants the state of the art systems in order to make them cope with the economy. They aim to solve compliance problems and reduce transaction costs.

IUNO's Dependable Non-volatile Token is the third element of their ecosystem. To run their ecosystem, they will be using a binary structure. Two types of tokens will be the core of IUNO. One is the stable asset-backed token as currency and the second one is the utility token to make payments within the ecosystem and outside world.

Last one, Artifical Intelligence based Risk and Compliance Management is a key thing in their ecosystem. With the help of IUNO, all people will be able to have control over their digital identity and assets. IUNO's ecosystem prevents thefts, fraud, fraudulent transactions, and money laundering in order to run the most secure Banking as a Service Ecosystem.

In conclusion, I am sure they will solve many problems of the currrent banking system, with the use of Blockchain, they will create one of the best platforms.

Last but not least, here are some important links of IUNO:

IUNO Website: https://iuno.io IUNO Whitepaper: https://s3.amazonaws.com/iuno/iuno-whitepaper.pdf IUNO Telegram group for your questions: https://t.me/IUNOForum

Writer: asakura7x @ bounty0x

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