LISK - A Cryptocurrency For Java and Jscript Programmers

Lisk is a cryptocurrency that was founded in 2016 by Max Kordek and Oliver Beddows. It had a massive run up until the recent bear market in Quarter 2 (July) of 2017. It reached a price point of above $4.00 USD but has now returned to a base level of between $2.00-2.50.

In this article I will discuss the merits of LISK and why I believe it is a coin with huge potential and furthermore why I believe it hasn't had its day yet which makes accumulation still possible at rock bottom prices.

Features and Benefits of Lisk

#1 - It is a ‘modular’ cryptocurrency

Lisk brands itself as the “first modular cryptocurrency utilising sidechains”. What this means is that there is massive potential for ICOs on sidechains similar to the ETH model but with the benefit of not slowing down the main blockchain. Furthermore sidechains will be important for development of Dapps (decentralized applications that run on sidechains).

#2 - Lisk already has proof of Dapp sidechain compatibility and development

What does a decentralised app look like? The potential of the Lisk network, with its modular cryptocurrency and utilising sidechains is what Lisk is trying to show. In its main page, Lisk showcases some examples:

Criterion - (Concept; Proof of Existence)
Dust - (Concept; Decentralised Trust on Lisk)
Discovr - (Concept; A social network for artists)

#3 - Delegated Proof of Stake

As opposed to POW (proof of work) models, the developers were very clever in their implementation of a new type of model for coin creation that is both sustainable, democratic and eco-friendly.

Each LSK carries one vote, and only the top 101 users with the heaviest votes (ie highest number of Lisks individually owned) will be able to cast votes to carry forward motions and have a say in problem solving resolutions. You can learn more about the DPoS model here.

DPoS incentives Lisk holders to keep their LISK in their Nano Wallet and earn a percentage of their holdings by voting for delegates that offer profit sharing of new coin creation. This is a clever model that creates scarcity which will ultimately do wonderful things for the price of the token.

Here's why I expect the price of LISK to appreciate rapidly as we approach 2018

1.) Lisk just was accepted to an Indian exchange where purchasers can trade directly from FIAT to LISK. Very few cryptocurrencies offer this advantage and assuming this may set a precedent other exchanges may follow suit. At bare minimum Indians have the ability to invest in LISK in a major way at this point.

To check this fact see for yourself here:

2.) Rebranding is underway for LISK and when it completes expect to see a parabolic rise as recently seen in the change from Antshares to NEO. The first stage of this rebranding is expected to finish at the end of August, 2017.

3.) The Lisk SDK (Software Development Kit) is expected for Alpha release in November, 2017. This is huge because it will allow Jscript developers to program their own new sidechain tokens and launch ICOs in addition to creating all sorts of useful DaPPs and incorporate the Lisk blockchain into a multitude of exciting new projects.

For more information about what LISK has coming take a moment to watch this video:

Techblogger Wrap Up

I've recommended quite a few cryptocurrencies at this point including BTS, NEO and STEEM and I honestly feel that LISK is right up there in terms of technological advancement and the actual development team and community behind it.

If I haven't convinced you yet about the monster that is waiting to be unleashed I'm sure I never will. I have to disclose that I've made a moderate investment in LISK and fully expect it to appreciate in the coming months and years.

As always, do your research and never invest more than you can afford to lose.

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Thanks for reading!


8 Things You Should Know About The Lisk Ecosystem and Currency - CoinGecko

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