Earning Crypto in the Trenches #1: thoughts of working online and getting paid in crypto.

I wanted to put together a little regular series about working online remote hours and getting paid in crypto, often daily but without any middlemen, after all for certain subsets of society even having a bank account can be a hassle with a permanent address and with them getting hacked every now and then, crypto has become the mattress to put a little bit away under in some regards, especially for me as I’m not really getting the opportunity to hodl my earnings for any length of time.


the biggest thing I’m starting to notice from blocking out my time is the fact that I can do blocks of time vs the timing of the work that needs to be done, most of the work right now for my current client is linear in approach which kinda makes it easier to work out how long to work for and what part of the day I can do the work — it’s not like an 8hr day, 9 to 5 where you rise early, do the packing of the sandwiches, commute, work in a cubicle and do water cooler chat, I actually have the opportunity to really hone my working day and then also no wait, if my client pays me same day.

if not stated some of my photos are from unsplash a free site for images, also you can grab some cool images from nomad.pictures a site i run with @dayleeo to get pictures out of the camera roll and onto the web

no middlemen, super minimal charges and near on instant sending and notifications, best of all it’s out there on a blockchain explore so people (services) can fit into the way I work but also what eventually become ‘in time’ services that can be suggestive, for instance, maybe divvying up my transfer funds into different places based on my history of transfers, when I do it, where I am, what I’m into or what I’m planning to do — maybe even an event like a birthday or something I’m going to each year, I love the idea that services could be hyper personal because of that open data silo information in some ways, of course that can have the reverse effect too but I guess that’s where smart contracts come in on different chains.

Right back to digital card slinging! :)

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