Electroneum — The World’s First Common Cryptocurrency

Electroneum — The World’s First Common Cryptocurrency

Electroneum is the primary UK based digital currency propelling an ICO this September 14, 2017 by means of an ICO (Initial Coin Offering). It is another crptocurrency intended for the 2 Billion+ cell phone clients.


Electroneum is a digital currency named after the electron which all cryptographic money depend on. It is the principal digital money that is planned around versatile pervasiveness. Based without anyone else blockchain. Created to be utilized as a part of the versatile gaming and web based betting business sector.

Electroneum has been created to permit anybody, paying little heed to specialized capacity, simple access to a digital money. Inside a couple of minutes of introducing the portable application any client can see Electroneum being added to their wallet by means of the novel versatile mineworker. Almost all digital forms of money are "mined" with authority gear. Electroneum can be mined with the portable application.

History of electroneum

January 2015 — Richard Ells purchases his first Bitcoins and begins his enthusiasm for digital currency.

August 2015 — The group at Retortal begin fabricating their own particular digital money, forked from cryptonote.

January 2016 — Bitcoin has almost multiplied in an incentive since Richard Ells initially presented the group. Their own particular digital money still has no name yet it is currently working in our server rack.

April 2016 — OThe first (terrible!) GPU digger is conceived.

July 2016 — Bitcoin has trebled in an incentive since we began taking a gander at digital currencies. They formally choose to get associated with building up a digital money with upgrades over what is accessible.

August 2016 — The group pick the open source Bytecoin changes in cryptonote as the reason for their new money.

September 2016 — It is chosen that versatile pervasiveness is the thing that they should assemble our cash around. They have been calling it "Electron".

January 2017 — They formally raised the underlying venture required to dispatch their digital money. Made arrangements for summer 2017.

Walk 2017 — They have a working model of their digital money, accomplishing something that no one else is doing anyplace on the planet.

June 2017 — Discovering there is a little known digital money called "Electron" they rename their venture "Electroneum" to guarantee they separate themselves from it.

July 2017 — Electroneum Ltd is framed and formally takes control of the Electroneum venture.

Ticker Symbol: ETN



What is the aggregate supply?

The aggregate supply is 21 Billion ETN

What is the aggregate supply for the ICO?

There are 6 Billion ETN accessible amid the ICO.

The supply is too huge? why?

The Electroneum supply is 21 Billion with just 2 decimals. That makes it less demanding to comprehend with a "genuine cash feel". For instance you purchased a coke with 0.00023451 satoshi while you purchased a coke with 20.00 ETN.

What will you do to the unsold coins?

Not at all like some other digital currency, they don't consume the unsold coins. Be that as it may, rather they will apportion them for the portable mineworkers and by that it can cause the application to achieve it's viral development.

ICO Start Date: September 14, 2017

ICO End Date: October 31, 2017

Group Sale Bonus Structure:

What is the hard top in USD?

40 Million USD

How the versatile mining functions?

The versatile application is unified and keeps running off a twin calculation that radiate coins from the blockchain at around an indistinguishable rate from the full diggers in view of a CPU benchmark of the telephone. This enables the telephone to keep running without getting hot and withouth utilizing TONS of energy and transmission capacity that past endeavors at telephone mining have required. In any case, recall that, they are not bringing the blockchain utility, they are bringing at various utility — they are expediting USERS at a strangely low CPA, and enabling Electroneum to have viral development. It likewise recommend the clients to that they download and run the full miner(PC Mining) in the event that you have office to do as such, empowering the development of the digital currency's foundation. Keep in mind that the full mineworkers will mine more ETN, because of its energy CPU.

What amount is the exchange expense?

There's no exchange expense. Exchanges are free so you can send and get ETN effectively.

At the point when would we be able to begin mining?

You can begin mining November 1, 2017 after the ICO.

Is it exceptional with other digital money?

Electroneum joined a decentralized blockchain with a brought together popular promoting application that empowers the selection and aggregation of cryptographic money through "gamifying" the experience — they call it the Mobile Mining Experience.

Electroneum's blockchain transmits coins to our portable application clients for convey an alternate utility to the blockchain. Electroneum full diggers acquire the most coins and that keeps running on Windows, Linux, and Mac PCs. They bring the utility of blockchain organization and are compensated with Electroneum coins. The portable diggers convey the utility of viral promoting to Electroneum and are granted with a number (littler) of Electroneum coins for doing as such.

It's done in a way that supports application use. They basically gamified the mining knowledge, influencing it to interest portable PC gamers (there are more than 2 billion of them).

What about the installment?

Electroneum application makes micropayments straightforward, and after they raise a few assets amid the token deal they can bring it considerably encourage with contactless exchanges and substantially more. In any case, the critical thing is that these individuals have had android gadgets for ages — they simply haven't utilized them for micropayments since they don't have anything to pay with.

On the off chance that we can get some digital money under the control of a group through mining, at that point they can begin utilizing as a methods for trade that never includes a bank. Past cryptographic forms of money have dependably begun with a trek to the bank — or a capable PC for mining — we're the principal that doesn't require either. Richard Ells(CEO and Founder of Electroneum)

What is the calculation of Electroneum?

Electroneum's Algorithm is the CryptoNote Algorithm: The CryptoNote calculation is discharged under an open source permit and has been received and consolidated

into electroneum as it shapes the reason for a strong, very much tried digital money center. It is a similar center blockchain innovation that is utilized by both Monero (a main 10 digital currency) and Bytecoin (a best 15 cryptographic money).

How secured the Electroneum Wallet is?


They created disconnected wallet that is 100% secure. You can make the same number of disconnected wallets as you like for nothing and exchange greater part of your Electroneum to those wallets. You can make your disconnected wallet now at https://my.electroneum.com

Do you as of now have working items?

The designers of Electroneum claim to as of now have various working items and stages set up. They intend to discharge these items instantly after the ICO crowdsale. The items will go live on October 31, one day after the crowdsale.

Items that have just been produced, completed, and tried include:

The Electroneum blockchain

An application based wallet that enables somebody to get to Electroneum with zero specialized abilities or crypto encounter

Application based mining framework that permits non-specialized individuals to pick up Electroneum effectively

A disconnected wallet that takes into consideration a totally secure, unhackable, disconnected wallet to be made

A Windows wallet

A Windows excavator, where you can leave your PC digging for more coins at home or the workplace

Mining pool programming (Electroneum runs this product to make mining less demanding; the product is open source and enables clients to build up their own pools)

Blockchain wayfarer (used to confirm installments and look at the blockchain in an open source way)

Outsider installment API used to enable outsiders to acknowledge Electroneum or pay in Electroneum.

Duncan logan the CEO of RocketSpace is ready the Electroneum ICO :

I have been a buyer and holder of bitcoin and Etherreum for a long time but this will be the first ICO I buy into.👉 https://t.co/kGu1BtcvZO

Getting excited to jump into my first ever ICO later this month. Electoneum is a Go. 👉https://t.co/eLF9WYFHeX

If you are interested in taking part in an ICO I think this will be interesting. Smart ethical people
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