Will 2018 be the Year of Cryptocurrency?


Dear Steemians,

I am glad you are here with me today in this game and took the opportunity to arrive at the party early. There's been too many times in the past that I personally arrive too late - I was too late in the domain game, apps game and even online teaching game. But finally, I came early for once, and the party is Cryptocurrency.

Today, Bitcoin, the number 1 Cryptocurrency, has sailed over $16k per coin (even higher at it's peak). When I first came to Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin was $1200 and now it is over x10 where it was.

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This is a realisation the world has woken up! Not only are new people entering the Cryptocurrency market per day, not only are the veterans putting more money in than before... but now the Investment banks that had previously tried to kill Bitcoin, now wants a slice of the pie. Because Cryptocurrency in the last 6 months has become a BIG DEAL!

Obviously, we all wish we got in when 10,000 Bitcoin was only worth $40, but this year has still been phenomenal... it's been the birth of Cryptocurrency to a worldwide audience. In a year's time, it will still be early, yet people will kick themselves at missing Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency in 2017.

The beginning of the Universal surge...

Okay, so it didn't start with me, but I quickly became one of the main Cryptocurrency YouTubers early on.

My first YouTube video on Cryptocurrency in May 16th 2017 was the first highly-trafficked video on my channel. I had about 1000 subscribers and all my other videos were getting around 100 hits after 5 days. But then my Cryptocurrency video had about 1500 hits in 24 hours. This showed me I was onto something big.

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Now I have nearly 65,000 subscribers, and am one of the top 5 Cryptocurrency channels producing daily shows on YouTube. As you can see in the screenshot, Bitcoin was just $1600 dollars at that time and over time many of the Cryptocurrencies I have talked about have shot up obscenely in value.

Best moment in Cryptocurrency?

My favourite part about the last 6 months has been the time I made the below post to my community!

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Bitquence (now Ethos) was just 5c a token at ICO! I then made a course about it, which many joined and is currently the second best-selling Cryptocurrency course on Udemy. This became the coin of my mastermind group, and it's all-time high was achieved the day it rebranded to Ethos - a x42 gain!

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That means if you put in $1000 at ICO, your investment would have been worth $42,000, and if you put in $10,000, it would now be $420,000 and so on...

You may think the best part of this has been checking my Wallet to see the vast sum of money. No, it isn't! The best part is when people that had faith in this coin made a lot of money and thanked me in droves, posting pictures of expensive things they bought with their gains... and it's not even begun yet. There's not even a launched platform for the masses.

So watch this space... A LOT to come in 2018. The current price will be a joke this time next year!

Worst Crypto moments this year?

My number 1 has to be the Chaincoin Saga! The popular myth is that me and another YouTuber called Max Lee (aka HighOnCoins) collaborated to manipulate the price from 3c to $6, cash out, become millionaires, and then watch other people get burnt when the price dropped right down to under $1.

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The truth is, I was in my car on the way back from Bournemouth Beach in the UK, and I looked on my group to see that it was absolutely WILD with posts about Chaincoin. I'd never heard of it before and saw it had pumped ASTONOMICALLY. It was 7pm when I arrived home from the beach and I was in a rush to make a video before it got dark. So I went and talked about Chaincoin, how my Mastermind community found it and how great the project looked. I didn't realise it was actually a dead project and just a famous pump and dump, but my video helped it go from $1.77 to $6.60.

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So people loved me for the video, and then subsequently went on to hating me, and it's stuck with me since. Effectively it ruined HighOnCoins' channel... his Crypto videos go virtually unnoticed these days. So I am glad the saga didn't kill me off.

My number 2 is Superior Coin. Again, this is one that people speculated I collaborated with the founder and swindled a load of people out of money. In truth, I thought the platform Crowdify could be the next Steemit and Superior Coin would power it like STEEM and I was excited to get into it early and wanted others to benefit.


It was late July, I was having morning tea in Mauritius with my mother and father, and I looked on my group to see the news that the founder alleged the Superior coins were stolen and the project was over, all investments lost, and therefore labelled a 'SCAM'. I hate being attached with THAT word, therefore I didn't react that well!

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It was a horrible moment, one of those moments when it feels like the world is crashing down on you. Everyone wanted answers, and there was little I could do because I was an investor like everyone else. I was not in the Superior coin team. It felt even worse because it was in my best-selling Udemy course (and still is, just as a reminder).

So, in addition to the Chaincoin saga just weeks before, I felt like my reputation was in tatters. I effectively didn't make a video for a month. In a way I am glad it happened because I reflected on my videos and it caused me to up my game and be better and more trustworthy than before. However it let Datadash and Boxmining surge ahead of me as Cryptocurrency YouTubers.

If I could choose to, I would still go back to that morning of Superior Coin. It happened just a few days before the worst day of my life. On the final morning of the holiday, July 30th 2017, I woke up in a great mood. It was very sunny and I was going home. My mother came from Mauritius so all my cousins, uncles and aunts all live there. But although I'd had a great time, I couldn't wait to come home and see my son Harry. My Dad was making tea (like he always did) and told me my mother was still asleep, so to go wake her up.

Worst day of my life

I went to wake my mother up, but she just wouldn't wake up. She'd had diabetes, kidney problems and dialysis for years but she had been in good health the whole holiday. But that morning she just wouldn't wake up. I tried everything, my dad tried everything, but she was just gone. She'd passed away in her sleep. She was my best friend and everything to me, and was only 68.


I had to stay on a few days in Mauritius to organise her transport back to the UK. We had a funeral for her there so her brothers, sister, nephews and nieces could say bye and then she came back on the same plane as us to the UK... so it was nice she wasn't left alone out there.

I tried doing a video on YouTube days later, whilst keeping this secret, but the video was rubbish and got heavy dislikes as the community was still angry with me, so I left YouTube for another couple of weeks. In that time we buried my mother in the UK, just a few miles away from where I live.

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After the worst day and weeks of my life, I started to put the pieces back together again. It's funny how life continues, and everybody carries on while your world appears to just stop still for you.

Moving forward!

I re-entered Cryptocurrency as it went through a bit of turbulence across August and September, with various bits of market news spreading fear in the market. First, Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JP Morgan called Bitcoin a "fraud" and then China banned ICOs and exchanges, causing Bitcoin to tank down to $2970 in September.

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It was insane!

The market cap, Bitcoin & Ethereum and so many alt coins dropped a few months of growth and allowed people to re-enter where they had missed the opportunity before!

But that was the point in which Bitcoin got stronger, alt coins began to thrive and the market became resilient!

From that point onwards Bitcoin has been smashing it!

Today the market cap of Cryptocurrency (which is the combined value of coins x their circulating supply) is $450 billion. In May this was just $50 billion. So the market has BOOMED by nearly 10 times!

Now the investment banks are adding Bitcoin as an investment option for customers. It's become a bigger deal!


2018 I think will be the biggest year yet, and one of the best bits of advice I can give you is to make sure you are investing in the best Cryptocurrencies for the long-term! I anticipate a tsunami of ICOs next year with amazing value propositions that will change how we do things, by utilising Blockchain technology!

Power Ledger is showing us how traditional businesses can be disrupted in this game!

The best criteria for spotting top ICOs can be found in my video here:
One of these that I have looked into is BitDegree. Check this out - this is under 5c (the price I got in for Bitquence), plus a 15% bonus, has 600m total supply and a superstar team. Plus the platform looks to be amazing, and as an online teacher, I see incredible promise!

So thank you for being with me on this journey and I look forward to seeing an incredible Crypto 2018 through with you. Make sure you follow me on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/user/suppoman2011 and just buy one of my courses on Udemy to be in my mastermind group.

Best wishes peeps!

Much love


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