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Trading opportunity in veri/usd Stressed & Trouble Sleeping In This Bear Market? This Might Help...


Trading analysis:
veri/usd is in downtrend and uptrend is expected
rsi is at 52

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Stressed & Trouble Sleeping In This Bear Market? This Might Help...
louisthomas (68) in cryptocurrency • 2 days ago
If you're like me, then there's probably been some times during this crypto bear market where you've felt a little stressed or anxious, and you might have had trouble getting quality sleep too.

I've been researching supplements to try and help with this. I ended up buying something called "Valerian Root Extract", and I've had excellent results so far. So if you've had similar problems to me, you might want to consider trying this yourself.


Most people always feel they have some kind of treasure buried at home, very few actually manage to score something great that has worthy value in the secondary market. The Codex Protocol is coming to fix that problem with their brand new platform built on Blockchain Technology that will truly bring a sense of order and uniformity to a market that desperately needs a sense of structure and more honest practices.

The use of Blockchain is certainly a game changer for the art and collectible market since it brings every player to a leveled field where true demand will set the prices of each item traded over the Codex platform. Here are a few reasons why Codex is important and what users will be able to do with it.

Codex will bring the Use of “Item Identity” into play
Item Identity is probably the most important feature offered by the Codex Protocol since it will provide users with the authentic value and validation of the items offered on the ecosystem. Manufacturers can get involved with modern items, but curators can get involved too.

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