Cryptocurrency Research Documentation And Analysis group on FB


I realize most people here say they don't go on Facebook that much any more however until Steemit has a groups section or even more users, I recently made a group that is less than 12 hrs old

The point of this group is to use the documents section of the group to post information about cryptos. If we all came together and wrote about a crypto following a specific template then we could use it as a database to skim through cryptos we would want to invest in. At least as a starting point for them. If you are interested search on fb groups for "Cryptocurrency Research Documentation and Analysis"

This is the template I suggested in this group I am building to follow but if you join and think of improvements let me know. Also you don't need to use your real fb page as I have been in groups before where people add a second fb acct for certain groups. It is your call on that or not but my account is my primary account.

Each analysis of a coin should have the following template:

What is the name of the coin:

What does the coin do:

At least 3 if not more reasons this coin is of value to you as well as to the crypto world:

Conclusion, which should include why you think it will succeed(as in what are your beliefs in why the you think this coin will succeed). Also provide links to sites and videos that have more information on the coin or groups that are available for it

Also as the group grows and people who are most active there can become moderators since I wouldn't be able to be on 24/7.

If you are not interested no worries and best of luck to you

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