Days of Future Past, where are we heading?

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence would be the ultimate version of Google. The ultimate search that would understand everything on the web. It would understand exactly what you wanted, and it would give you the right thing. We're nowhere near doing that now. However, we can get incrementally closer to that, and that is basically what we work on. - Larry Page

Automated Software is shaping the world in different ways in different countries

Over the past few years, machine learning and AI have become mainstream, going from only theories and sci-fi movies to become a reality. A lot of people are using google home or Alexa on their daily routines. That's the point where we bridge the fiction and the reality. The world is changing so fast, it's changing from a physical to a digital world in a blink of an eye. The vast applications being discovered by deep learning from larger and more efficient databases, to distributed computing, intelligent networks, and intelligent data analytics. 

The economy is being transformed, more businesses are being shaped, industries are being improved, increased productivity, more efficiency and decision making. Marketing is getting automated and digitized with a better understanding of consumer habits and desires. Optimization of prices and promotions targeting each user in different ways using machine learning and enabling e-commerce to centralize on each individual needs, it's a giant leap to a new digital economy. 

AI systems are essentially building better databases, creating more network effect and faster data transactions. In a few years every single task, every interview, job, service will get their hands in AI. The idea of going to a retail clothing store and having an AI application to scan you and filtering the clothes based on your clothing style and your size is no longer just an idea, it's becoming a reality.


Asset Tokenization

Every physical asset at some point in the near future will be tokenized, from houses, to art, collectibles, money, commodities, businesses, literally everything will become digital. The value that is being built by this breakthrough technology is like nothing we have ever witness. It's a completely new evolution in how we exchange value, how we can exchange and trade assets, being able to buy a piece of an house in the other side of the world, or a piece of a land in a form of a digital token, and having ownership of those assets is just a no brainer, the amount of opportunity to create value is astonishing. 

It's no longer just the traditional finance that will get disrupted, it's every single industry, enabling to convert the rights to assets with economic value into a digital token. The transparency and data integrity that blockchain technology provides will help improve all industries.

The biggest benefits that asset tokenization can bring are: 

  • Immutability - meaning once you have ownership of an asset, no one can erase it or control it unless they have the private keys.
  • Accessibility - investors can now buy a tokenized asset from anywhere in the world for 24/7 using a mobile application, and API or desktop interface.
  • Cost-effective - blockchain eliminates the intermediary or middleman that results in a reduction of the fees and an increase of opportunities for retail investors that don't require being an accredited investor.
  • Transparency - Blockchain can improve the trust between investors when exchanging assets in a P2P way.
  • Divisibility - Dividing an asset in multiple tokens will provide liquidity and more investment due to the fact that investors won't need the capital to buy an entire asset, they can buy pieces of that asset, whether it's a house or a share, for example, instead of buying a $1500 Amazon stock, you will be able to buy a fragment of the Amazon stock in digital tokens. 

Security tokens and asset tokenization are completely changing the concept of ownership, and are bringing accessibility to the entire world to the traditional assets and new assets. 

I'm a European citizen (from Portugal), if i want access to the american stock market i have to create an account in a broker that offers american financial products, but if i want a diversified portfolio with different products from different markets worldwide, i would have to open multiple accounts in multiple brokers and honestly that's a pain in the ass, but with asset tokenization i can have access to all markets 24/7 and have complete ownership of those assets, I won't have to rely anymore on different brokers to keep my investments safe or accessible.

Security tokens will in some way solve the regulatory mess that utility tokens have created.

A list with all the crypto research tools and resources.

Disclaimer: Im a Corporate student, I'm in no way an expert in any topic discussed, and all the articles i write, do not consist in investment or financial advice. The only purpose is to help educate and provide information to raise awareness about new technological breakthroughs. 

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