We are building a world without borders

My first article for Coin Insider is published. In it I argue that novelist David Louis Edelman is a Jules Verne of our generation. While the books mainly focus on biotech, Edelman predicted things like the app store and the need for decentralised platforms like blockchains.

He envisioned a world without nation-states, where you aren't born into a country. Instead you subscribe to various civic and governmental organisations called L-PRACGs (pronounced ELL-praggs) by choosing to pay their taxes. A small number of L-PRACGs are linked to geography (like receiving basic neighbourhood services), but the vast majority represent trades, cultures, or ideologies.

Thanks to the Internet, we are outgrowing the nation-state much like we've outgrown other forms of grouping together and governing ourselves, and platforms which support smart contracts like Ethereum will help make a borderless world happen.

Check it out, I'm pretty proud of this piece — Could Ethereum create a world without borders?

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