Crypto Read/Watch/Listen Picks: new Date(12/16/2017)

Each week, I compile the most useful links to articles, posts, and videos that helped me to level up my knowledge of Bitcoin, cryptos, blockchain, and levelling up in life.

On to the picks:

  1. Cryptocurrency Inventory: Start Here for Inheritance Planning: Pamela Morgan has a series of great posts about planning for how loved ones can access your crypto assets if you die. Most folks don't like to think about this, but imagine that assets left on exchanges could possibly be claimed either by the exchange or the government instead of benefitting people you care about. Highly recommend reading this series and starting a plan, establishing a safe deposit box, and chipping away at the documentatio a little at a time.
  2. The Blockchain Economy: A beginner’s guide to institutional cryptoeconomics: A deep dive into why the blockchain's killer feature is its role as a ledger. Set aside some time and settle into a great exploration of ledgers before the hammer comes down: the "the institutional consequences of cryptographically secure and trustless ledgers."
  3. 50 Shades Of Grey: What Bitcoiners Should Know About S.1241: U.S. Senate Bill S.1241 is an effort to update the Anti Money Laundering laws (AML) to include "new types of money." In this post, Pirate Beachbum takes a comprehensive look at the matter from both sides: the government and the crypto community. Imagine if you had to declare carrying more than $10k in crytocurrency every time you flew into the U.S. -- and it being a crime if you didn't.
  4. Overwhelming Support for Andreas after Insensitive Remark from Roger Ver: Roger Ver remarked that if Andreas Antonopoulos "had invested even $300 in bitcoin back in 2012, he’d be a millionaire today." You see, Andreas was busy paying his bills and supporting his family while educating the world about Bitcoin. It's always been clear to me that Andreas is more about the mission than the money. In response, the community rallied to his side and made him a Bitcoin millionaire overnight. We've got to support the people building the knowledge of these technologies. Andreas is a critical counterweight to the speculative greed that will certainly overshadow cryptocurrencies for a while. Folks need to level up on seeing beyond the investment to the world changing possibilities.
  5. Different people hear differently: More wisdom from Seth Godin. Money quote:
    It takes two to be understood. Not just speaking clearly, but speaking in a way that you can be understood.

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