Crypto Read/Watch/Listen Picks: new Date(12/05/2017)

Each week, I compile the most useful links to articles, posts, and videos that helped me to level up my knowledge of Bitcoin, cryptos, blockchain, and levelling up in life.

On to the picks:

  1. Never Rattled, Never Frantic: Staying motivated during eight years in freelance journalism: Journalist @andrewmcmillen reflects on his last 8 years as a freelance journalist as he transitions to a full-time gig. Honest & well-written, I walked away with words of wisdom as I reflect on my own career & path.
  2. Kevin Rose Show: #16 Bitcoin's true potential, with Andreas M. Antonopoulos: Andreas is a heavyweight when it comes to clearly communicating the value, promise, and current state of Bitcoin and cryptos. He is clear-eyed and and unromantic, so you'll hear the good with the bad (still mostly the good). In this interview, Kevin Rose keeps Andreas in swim lanes that beginners to the space can understand. Along the way, Andreas offers up some real gems about the current problems in the financial industry (U.S. and global) and why the future will be different.
  3. Your soft skills inventory: A solid list of questions from Seth Godin that I asked myself today.
  4. Google APIs Explorer: A comprehensive list of the APIs that Google offers. A playground of possibility.
  5. Unchained: #35 Naval Ravikant On How Crypto Is Squeezing VCs, Hindering Regulators And Bringing Users Choice: Naval Ravikant has an extremely valuable perspective on the blockchain landscape and generally what he thinks is worth investing in right now (tl;dr: infrastructure technologies). More than anything, listen to his thought process.

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