Crypto Read/Watch/Listen Picks: new Date(1/9/2018)

Each week, I compile the most useful links to articles, posts, and videos that helped me to level up my knowledge of Bitcoin, cryptos, blockchain, and levelling up in life.

Welcome to 2018! Whatever happens with prices, there will be an explosion in blockchain and crypto technology this year. Part of me looks forward to the inevitable bubble bursting -- just to see which strong ideas emerge from the ashes.

On to the picks:

  1. 95 Crypto Theses for 2018: TwoBitIdiot write this must-read for the new year. It's a quick, easy, enlightening read on the whole state of blockchain tech -- the promise, the mania, the dark, and the beautiful.
    There are lots of scammers in crypto. But there are also many more great people who could become your multi-decade collaborators (or enemies).
  2. Payment Channels & Lightning Network: So much debate about whether you can scale on the blockchain or whether applications layers on top of the blockchain are best. I'm intrigued by all the top notch experimenting happening across the board: consensus algorithms, smart contracts, scaling, privacy. In 2018, one of the biggest new datapoints on the scaling debate will be Lightning Network. There are a lot of haters, to be sure. And the LN will not cover every use case. But it's a step forward in this conversation -- to see what works or doesn't work with real code. In a world of ranters and opiners, I'm with the creators. So read up on the LN and payment channels. Be informed about what they are, what they aren't. Knowledge is the best way to tune out the noise.
  3. Beyond Price: Bitcoin's Impact on the Future: For me, there is no one more effective at pointing to why all this matters than Andreas Antonopoulos. In this video, he walks us through the high points of the main problems and why this major shift in technology matters. A great way to get out of the "price" mindset and into the roots of it all.
  4. Let's Talk Bitcoin! #351 - Today and Tomorrow: This is a great discussion that honestly looks at the problems with Bitcoin, an imho provides the correct context.
  5. New Beginnings: With a new year comes new opportunities & perspectives. Here are a couple from our community I enjoyed reading:

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