First Time Investor UPDATE: From Single Digit Investment To A Double Digits One... And Diversification! :)

After I so excitedly shot off a post here three days ago regarding my first cryptocurrency investment/trade on bittrex, I converted my existing sbds (2.334 SBD) into Steem and bought some more Ripple coins. I was thinking of diversifying into Monero or TenX when a Steemit friend I totally trust suggested that I should look at Litecoin. So I sold off more than half of my Ripple coins and got myself some Litecoin. Now I'm the proud owner of some Ripple coins and some Litecoin. :)

As of now, I'm still in a teeny weeny amount of profit. :) Though it is some way down from the $14.00 for a $10.50 investment two days back. And I've joined the thousands or millions of people checking their account balances in their wallets every now and then... Lol! I think I have the makings of a day trader in me! ;) I'll keep you posted on my crypto investment journey.

As you might have guessed, I have been doing a bit of reading and learning, so I thought I'll also share a link I come across that I find especially thought provoking or informative. Of course there are many many of them, so I'll only share the ones that helped me on a particular day.

Today's link:

This post gave me a better idea of what it was that made some of the cryptocurrencies special. I was delighted to see Ripple and Litecoin both mentioned there so I think I'm on the right track.

I was also looking up posts on Steemit.

I came across this super helpful one from @acidyo. Do check it out: This post shows that we have a person who is painstakingly following up on the alt coins scene and making creditable recommendations. We would do ourselves good by following them.

I also checked out @satchmo's blog. If you are looking at specific coins and their charts and wish to analyze them, you should definitely take a look at @satchmo's blog. I think you will be glad you did. :)

So with the hope that my post benefits those who are also learning the ropes like me, I'm signing off for now. Cheers! :)

Your new cryptoinvesting friend,

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