Do you know a new cryptocurrency Launch Soon "10xbitcoin" ,Pre-Launch Update!!!

Hello 10xBitCoin Members,
Due to many requests to extend our great FREE offer of 500 Digital Coin Tokens (DCT) with a FREE Sign-up Account, I am extending the Pre-Launch Until Nov 14th at 11Am EST.
All Members should expect there to be NO FURTHER EXTENSION of this great recruiting tool and FREE gift to new Members, and the 200 DCT Bonus Incentive to the Member Making the referral....SO YOU HAD BETTER GET YOUR AFFILIATE LINKS OUT THERE & RECRUIT TO MAKE THE MOST OF IT!
We will also be coming out with additional videos....a shorter recruiting video (In English, Spanish, French, Portuguese), translating some of our videos into Spanish, French & Portuguese, and More tools that will be released in conjunction with our Full Live Launch Date. One or two days before Live Launch, we will also be providing a video walkthrough of the Account Funding Options and the Membership Purchase Options.
Many Members have expressed fear of missing out, in terms of feeling a burning urgency or fearful need to pay their $5.00 early, and expressing a feeling & belief in many Support Tickets that they "will be left behind by their Sponsor if they don't pay $5.00 before Oct 24th!", or that they "will miss or lose their downline if they don't pay before their downline pays their $5.00 !".
Everyone should know that our Program and Company are different than anything you have ever seen or experienced. Those fears and misconceptions ARE A RESULT OF MANY MATRIX PROGRAMS THAT HURT the member because their structure is that when you signup, you are only registering, but you get a position in the Matrix ONLY WHEN YOU PAY the starting amount, AND you will be left behind or miss your sponsor and your downline IN ANY OF THE HIGHER LEVELS YOU DON'T IMMEDIATELY BUY A POSITION !
That is where all of this mistaken fear is coming from, and at 10xBitCoin those and many other problems of most Network Marketing & almost ALL Matrix Programs, have been eliminated & fixed. With our FREE creates a fixed position for you in ALL 7 MATIXES, even our most expensive Titanium Matrix. Your sponsor can NEVER leave you behind and your downline can NEVER get ahead of you!
Your Position in each Matrix will be eligible to earn & receive PowerStart Bonuses and Override Bonus Accumulation once you make an initial or upgrade purchase at any of the 7 Levels of Matrixes....and you don't have to purchase in an exact sequence, you can purchase a Membership or upgrade in any combination of the Matrix Levels. There's a reason & benefit for that...what if you come across a Team of Heavy Hitters who will all be coming in and stepping up to the Titanium Membership, you will want to earn those $50.00 Overrides right away on what might become hundreds of Titanium purchases in your downline, but at the very beginning, you SHOULD NOT be told "Sorry, you MUST FIRST PAY $100 for Platinum Membership, $250 for Diamond, and $500 for Double Diamond. You won't hear that bad news at 10xBitCoin. And what if you can't afford anything more than starting with Bronze Membership? Well, with 10xBitCoin, You will still earn Personal Sponsoring Bonuses on EVERY purchase of those you refer, no matter which Matrix it is, even in the high priced Titanium Matrix even though you could not afford to upgrade yet. The amounts of Commissions & Bonuses are provided in the Comp Plan Diagrams on our website.
We are excited that you have joined 10xBitCoin, that you are seeing and beginning to understand the huge benefits of the great differences between our Program and the many others out there, and we truly appreciate and are humbled by the trust & hopes you've placed in us. We take them as an awesome blessing and responsibility that drives us each day to create and grow a strong company that you can build an income with that you can rely upon to improve your life and the lives of your families.

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