A review article on ALLSTOCKS Network, a distributed global exchange platform


Apparently, the crypto market is faced with innumerable challenges which has successfully discouraged institutional investors and private individuals from participating fully in the crypto market.

Challenges faced by the crypto market
1. Volatility of crypto-currencies,
2. Security and fraud risk associated with crypto-transactions
3. Difficulty converting cryptocurrency to fiat currency and vice versa
4. Lack of transparency.
5. Delay and large fees imposed on traders by exchange platforms
6. Initial Crowd Funding (ICF)-related risks that are locked in problematic crypto-contracts.

In the midst of these challenges, ALLSTOCKS Network, a distributed global stock exchange platform has emerged with feasible solutions to (1) address the challenges faced by the crypto market and (2) attract institutional investors and private individuals to participate in crypto trading.


The ALLSTOCKS Network is a distributed global stock exchange platform which aims to interface with all major stock exchanges and stock brokers around the world.

The platform basically leverages existing technological infrastructure to create a decentralized system, to address the identified challenges in the crypto-market as well as assist stakeholders to make informed decisions regarding trading.

The decentralized system is set enable all stakeholders to trade with its ERC20 compliant token on its platform, while the real financial assets of investors are safely held in an escrow account.

The platform is also set to enable all stakeholders to trade sorts of financial assets (such as currencies and bonds) with its ERC20 compliant token.


How ALLSTOCKS Network intend to address the challenges faced by the crypto market.

With its decentralized system infrastructure, ALLSTOCKS Network intends to address the above mentioned challenges facing the crypto market by:

  1. Bringing all the global exchange platform in the crypto-market onto its stoke platform to provide traders digital wallets and accounts with their local fiat currencies so as to enable traders buy and sell cryptocurrencies and convert cryptocurrencies to fiat currencies with absolute security, ease, and comfort.
  2. Ensuring that asset-backed tokens always hold their respective desired value by means of its unique technology called the stamper.
  3. Ensuring full transparency in all transaction by giving traders the opportunity to view and explore the relation between issued CTTs to its real asset using its “AssetsExplorer”.
  4. Safely securing traders fund and assets on its network in an escrow account away from scammers and fraudster.

The video below provides an insightful and comprehensive description of how ALLSTOCKS Network intend to address the challenges faced by the crypto market. Please take time to watch the video below [DESCRIPTION OF ALLSTOCKS And ITS WAY FORWARD TO ADDRESS

How the ALLSTOCKS Network works

The ALLSTOCK Network works in three simple steps namely (1) buy ALLSTOCKS token (2) Trade your backed token and (3) liquidate you token.

However, the steps below clearly explain how an investor can successful use the ALLSTOCKS platform with ease: it begins with

  1. User/ Trader sends fiat currency to stamper, a very useful technology on ALLSTOCKS platform
  2. The stamper returns asset-backed tokens (CTTs) to user / traders wallet
    Upon issuance of asset-backed tokens, all the underlying assets can be traded in the crypto-market.
  3. The user can trade or hold those asset-backed tokens his or her secure wallet.
    4.The user can liquefy his/her tokens
  4. Finally, the stamper sends fiat currency to the user’s account after successfully requesting to liquidate token.


According to ALLSTOCKS Network, Asset-backed tokens provided on its platform have a wide array of uses. Among these are:

  1. Asset backed tokens can be used to exchange traditional assets to digital assets. Hence, allowing traders to buy and own assets all over the globe.
  2. Asset backed token can be used to deposited and sell commodities and money market instruments across the globe.
  3. Asset backed tokens can serve as shielding tokens for Organizations to buy money market CTTs and store them with full transparency.

Benefits of ALLSTOCKS Network

  1. With ALLSTOCKS Network, organizations and individual investors exposed to cryptocurrency’s fluctuations can manage diverse investment portfolios and better protect their capital through more stabilized assets.
  2. With ALLSTOCKS Network, organizations and individual investors will have a great exposure to more markets and financial assets with ease and flexibility.
  3. The ALLSTOCKS Network’s API currency enables wallet holders to convert from one currency to another effortlessly.
  4. With ALLSTOCKS Network, investors assets and funds are securely saved from scammers and fraudsters.
  5. ALLSTOCKS also provides users with a simple gateway that accepts all currencies and payouts in the local currency of the user. This is done without incurring neither exchange nor transfer fees.


Good News for App Developers with ALLSTOCKS Network

ALLSTOCKS Network is set to give developers a greater capacity by releasing its generic API interface to all developers globally to enable them develop tools and apps for investing, hedging and carrying out transactions using.


ALLSTOCKS Token Generation Event

Just like any other decentralized project in the crypto space, ALLSTOCKS Network is giving investors / contributors the opportunity to participate, invest and contribute to the successful development of its projects. Hence, the reasons for its initial coin offering.

Apparently, ALLSTOCKS public sale is live and at its STAGE 2, which is run until June 15, 2018. During this period, the minimum contribution per an investor has been stacked at 1.00 Ethereum, equivalent to 625 ASK token, an Ethereum based token with a 25% bonus on every contribution.

The STAGE 3 of ALLSTOCKS Network token sale is set to commence on June 16, 2018 and will run till June 30, 2018. During this period, the minimum contribution has also been set at 1.00 Ethereum equivalent to 500 AST.

Please note that at stage 3, there will be no bonus given. The soft cap and hard cap for this token sales can be found below. For more information about token sales and bonuses, kindly visit ALLSTOCKS official website


With this in mind, it might interest you to know that ALLSTOCKS Network is read to handsomely reward all contributors during its initial coin offering with a massive return on every contribution. As such, I therefore use this medium to entreat all potential investor to contribute bountifully to this worthy project.

Relevant links of ALLSTOCKS official pages


ALLSTOCKS whitepaper



ALLSTOCKS telegram


Author's bitcointalk username: sugarpie2018

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