Bankera - The 12th week’s net transactional revenue share has been paid

Bankera has paid out the weekly transactional revenue share to Bankera's token holders. This is our 12th commission payout!

In the last week, SpectroCoin has generated a net transactional revenue of 139,436.53 EUR, which 20% has been distributed among Bankera token holders. This equates to 27,887.31 EUR or 89.55 ETH (given the current exchange rate of 311.40 euros for 1 ether).

It is also worth mentioning that SpectroCoin community has grown by 11,266 new users during last week from 450,159 to 461,425.

You can read more about our 12th week's net transactional revenue in our blog post here.

Do not forget Bankera's ICO is starting next week, the 27th of November!!

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