RTrade Technologies Ltd - Smart Contract Audit Announcement

RTrade Technologies Ltd, Is Happy to Announce that we are officially undergoing the process of a Smart Contract Audit!

The purpose for RTrade Technologies Ltd. Smart Contract audit is to ensure our code security and its validity. We are putting all smart contracts for TEMPORAL, and RTCoin to the test. The RTrade team views this as not only a necessity, but a way of giving back to our trusting community and partners/investors as we move closer to launch. RTrade is aiming to have our signature "R" a global stamp of remembrance, automatically relating to quality projects and a trusted company name. This is our company’s way to bring value to the world and respect everyone in it. We are always pushing ourselves to learn the needs of the future while building the steps today that will lead us there.

We have chosen SmartDec in order achieve this goal. SmartDec is a company with more than a decade experience in application security. Smart Dec has been researching Ethereum Smart Contract security since 2017. They analyze the security of smart contracts and related applications, also analyzing the integration between smart contracts and side applications. They are now considered as one of the most experienced teams in this area, assisting over a hundred blockchain companies to date.

We would like to thank everyone who has been with us from the start as we keep powering forward to prove and solidify our place in the world of Blockchain technology. We would also like to extend a personal thanks to Jonathan Dunford for connecting us with SmartDec.

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