The world is changing, todays earnings will be worth more tomorrow

A few weeks ago I got the opportunity to get a new job. I was excited but I did have some hesitation growing inside of me. Is it really worth it?? How much will I make for the time I spend?  If you would have asked me a few years back or even 6 months ago I would taken it but today I am not so sure. Why? Because the world is changing in a lot of different ways.

I sat down to just calculate how much I would earn and how much time I spend for my earnings. The first thing I thought about was my precious time. After 2 years without a job I have realized that time isn’t money, time is freedom. Yes, I don’t have a lot of money but I have huge amount of time. And today my time is important to me.

So how much time would I spend every day to work with something I don’t even like? First we have to add the time to get to work and back home again. That is about 3,5 hours every day. Then we have the time of actual work which is 8 hours per day. Then I have 1 hour lunch every day without salary but I still havet o be at work or around it so I will count that as worktime. Then usually I am about 15 minutes early at work and often I would stay about 15 minutes after work has ended to finish up everything. Total time in one day adds up to 13 hours!

And how much would I make? I would have a salary of 1700€ per month before taxes. That would give me 1156€ per month in actual money I can spend after the 32% tax cut. But I have to pay for the buss which would be 150€ every month. Only 1106€ left now!

I would work about 22 days every month, 22 days times 13 hours a day is 286 hours per month. 286 hours in exchange for 1106€!!!! No way I am doing that for something I know that I will hate after just a few weeks, or maby even after a couple of days. That would be 3,86€ per hour! It would be pure slavery. I would rather have 13 hours extra every day and spend it on things i love doing even if it means that I would have less money.

The thing I have learned during my 2 years of poorness is that money is nothing without time. I have managed to get food, water and a place I can call home, that is the only things I really need. Everything else is just things I want and that is my ego talking.

Another conclusion I made was that the world is changing big time and all the fiatcurrencies is devaluing rapidly. Why would I collect something that is worth less for every day that passes when I can collect something that is worth more and more every day, like cryptocurrency?

"My earnings today will be worth more tomorrow"

I didn’t take the job like you probobly know by now. Instead I am focusing on the things I love doing. Spending my precious time on things that makes me happy like steemit. Even if it means hard work and some time with even less money. Because I know I will always manage to get food, water and a place I can call home. Plus I have a feeling that Steemit is just going to grow and cryptocurrencies is just in its baby phase. My earnings today will be worth more tomorrow.

I am not thinking in Dollar or Euro or any other fiatcurrency anymore, I am thinking in Cryptocurrency and so should you!  

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