Enjoying the New Chaos - Part 3

Blockchain IS the Revolution
by Quan Parker

Correct assessment of human nature; ingenuity, self-reliance under threat, contrariness, insistence on Liberty and survival instinct writ large. These concepts once dominated American thought and then largely spread back throughout the West as common cultural values. Because human liberty springs up everywhere it possibly can, they now rise anew in the East on various friendly shores and clouds, even.

The new freedom rests largely upon the shoulders of extremely competent young engineers, developers and investors, whom the free market of crypto has seen fit to fund to the tune of one-half trillion US fiat. They seek development of super-secure platforms for trading everything from seashells to corporate debt... at fractions of the current costs and regulatory overburden. And creation of new kinds of secure networks that connect other networks, built and operated by private entities with as little government interference as possible.

Competition for the world banking oligopoly! As well as corrupted exchanges, to wit: the Bunker Hunt fiasco in 1980, when the board of the exchange was itself short the market (against the bylaws), and Bunker attempted to take delivery of most of the world's traded silver. The rules were changed overnight to protect the exposed.

Or the practices of JPMorgan and other major players, at the behest of the FED, of pounding naked shorts into the precious metals markets without intent or ability to deliver, to artificially depress (monkeyhammer) prices, for the past decade or so. Those shorts do not have to be covered, are declared force majeure if called for delivery and an echeck for ebucks written to the holder of the contract.

You know, so that the FED and its brilliant governors won't be proven to be senseless ninnies by an unfettered market. So that the gross misallocations of this inflationary time period do not trigger the curative forces, i.e. a return to a sound currency, as they should and once did. So that the farce can be perpetrated, until they leave office and slither into a cabana on some beach far from accountability. We believe someday soon there will be an insufficient number of naive fools to take advantage of, and Ponzi will laugh again from the grave.

The warmongers are starting to fret about their eternal meal ticket, the world fear of nuclear war... or mean people, or the weather... any kind of weather, apparently, since the record winter speaks louder than certain purchased and manufactured lies. The more time the proles spend inside their homes reading alt news on the internet, the truth dawning much slower than the kneejerk TV propaganda, the less secure the malign grip.

2017 was the first installment of a monumental shift of wealth, opportunity, prestige, momentum and control away from the globalists and into the hands of wily entrepreneurs, radical developers, highly intelligent traders, extraordinary libertarian philosophers in basements, and venture capitalists, all of whom are essential to the advance of civilization whether anyone cares to believe it or not.

Allegedly vital social functions usurped and monopolized by governments ("we must do something!" etc.) , their agencies, contractors, non-governmental bodies funded by tax money, have mushroomed and congealed over the years into layers of fossilized bureaucracy, a lead albatross around civilization's neck which cannot be transmuted into gold. The toadstools sucking the final nutrients from this pile will have a tough time finding a way to grown their own food. Lenta stercore, victus. The parasitic fungal life cycle is nearing an end.

Solid independent minds outside the buggered, compromised US, newly empowered with crypto profits, are unamused by US imperial overreach and unmotivated by conquest or war. They have sincere but limited empathy for their sharp young peers in the West sitting under the threat of a collapsing dollar and a crumbling reputation as a world empire, which like a dying, cornered rat lashes out viciously at every attempt at curbing its excesses, and of course any direct competition, like drug smugglers and dealers.

By now many of these expanding minds have encountered Ron Paul and the Austrian economists. They are ending en masse their support of the world financial straightjacket imposed (but unenforceable) by the US, and instead participating in crypto development projects and the New Silk Road joining Asia and Europe. And contemplating what it might mean for gold to be fixed in the yuan, ruble... or crypto.

That said, there is a poweful counterforce to this trend
The troubles in the EU countries are getting worse, due to the universally fatal curse of having socialists run your country and your fiat currency system. When and where it can, capital is exiting and brexiting and going into US equities, without regard for P/E ratios, dividends or prospects for future growth. (However EU capital may also flee east, seeing its own future better served from that direction). US energy production continues at a brisk pace as the over-leveraged fracking operators try to pay down their huge junk debt. Increasing natural gas production will also be exported.

This will generally support the dollar, even if China, Russia and Iran form their own financial network based upon manufacturing power from the first and energy from the latter two.

A similar phenomenon appears to be happening in nervous Japan, caught between North Korean threats, failing family demographics, Chinese expansion, South Korean competition, a tragically dangerous toxic environment north of Tokyo and the consequent dying Japanese economy. And old people on pension eating seaweed and mushrooms and living longer.

Capital flight from the rest of Western Civilization should mitigate the winding down of overheated economic misallocations in this country, such as highly leveraged construction projects of new retail and office space, expensive high-rise speculations and hospitals. Many hospitals depend upon the income from mandated treatments like chemo that likely sicken and kill as many as they cure, as do far too many of the prescription drugs and untested vaccines they sell. This incredible scandal is just getting underway.

[It is becoming obvious that people who watch their diets by eating organic as often as can be afforded, and supplement with anti-inflamatories and antioxidants, primarily to offset the toxic effects of BPA in the plastics, glycophosphate-drenched vegetables, GMO grains and dairy with rBST, etc. are farther ahead in the health game than those who do not. In addition, those who learn which good fats to eat enjoy less craving for carbs and fewer weight issues. "Lowfat" does not work for weight loss, and may be dangerous.

Modern healthcare can be a self-fulfilling death prophesy. Proven studies indicate as many as 125,000 people die annually from properly prescribed and administered legal drugs. Obamacare and the collectivism of victimology as social progress are unworkable, destructive answers. Taking care of yourself and finding or growing food that does not destroy your endocrine or immune system can be the wave of a future for those who can do it. Like Japan, our retirement system is built upon assumptions that normal mortality rates will apply. It ain't necessarily so; and there better not be an organized effort to make it so, or there is going to be serious trouble].

Trump's tax cuts are already paying for themselves, but years of boondoggle and futile anti-consumer mandates take time to reform. Not all flight capital will end up inflating the equities and commodities markets or chasing choice real estate; some of it will likely go crypto, like some already has.

Former CIA advisor Jim Rickards theorizes that the US will soon introduce "FedCoin" as well as attempts to "destroy" the crypto market. Of course FedCoin will no more be limited in its issue than the FED balance sheet has ever been. They may try something like this backed by equally dubious IMF "Special Drawing Rights."

Fine, are these esteemed "SDR's" infinitely inflatable like every other previous iteration of the 1923 German plan, a.k.a. the Zimbabwe Plan? If these nebulous assets had any substance they would have already been used to bail out the EU. Just more paper promises, compelling belief in the unbelievable to get thru tomorrow. Ho hum. We wish them hell in their efforts to overcome what has become a force of nature... common sense.

Such efforts will for periods of time panic the crypto and metals markets, temporarily creating mini-crashes, which are then lept upon by heavy hitters loading up. Hint for the day.


"Capital goes where it's welcome and stays where it's well treated." — Walter B. Wriston

A huge financial reset is under way, and hopefully the banksters will suffer this time instead of US taxpayers, homeowners and savers. America can't run the whole world like a boot camp, although far too many jackbooted brainstubs would love to try.

There is no putting this genie back in the bottle as long as the internet and blockchain exist. The coding is on the wall.

Obviously a lot of the one-way-street/easy money has left the building, but cryptos are not going away, and may explode again as what is true about them becomes obvious to the world, no matter what they say on the evening news or in the bars of New York. You'd better hope that everyone over 50, many of whom will live well past 100 if certain practices among certain very long-lived subgroups become widespread, pour capital into something that may stand long after Social Security is kaput.

From here forward, picking winners will require more and deeper analysis of competing concepts, platforms and exchanges and their security protocols. Primary: Which of hundreds of similar paradigms can serve its customers in microseconds and consistently keep out hackers/government snoops (redundant)? And which of fifty competing tout services is worth their signup fees? Any yet earning a good track record?

Blockchain is the Revolution. And if it isn't quite yet, the unpredictable but amicable beast of Liberty will hopefully emerge from it. The cat is out of the bag, the dogs are loosed, Pandora's wallet has been hacked; the sweet gelatin of individual liberty is squirting out between the panicked, grasping horned claws of the Leviathan. Cry Havoc!

Even Machaivelli knew 500 years ago:
"...[W]henever the citizens are disposed to revolt, they betake themselves of course to that blessed name of liberty, and the laws of their ancestors, which no length of time... will be able to eradicate." — Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527) Renaissance historian, political theorist, author of The Prince; endorsed deceit and assassination in order to solidify political power.

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