*Enjoying the New Chaos - Part 1*

Crypto, the legitimate worldwide reform of fiat control
By Quan Parker

Pure laissez-faire "Capitalism," the truly free market, necessarily operates at some level in every society, no matter the political epithet attached to its form of central government or how oppressive. It is how humans naturally interact when they need to relate to and trade with others rather than fight with them, which is fortunately not all the time. John Locke nailed this insight 300 years ago in his Second Treatise on Civil Government, without which the American Revolution would perhaps never occurred.

It existed between miserable opposing trenches and fronts in both world wars, in Stasi-controlled East Germany and inside the Soviet gulag, and in every neighborhood, farmers' market, car lot and back alley in the world.

And now, perhaps everywhere...

"Crony Capitalism" is a whole 'nother beast, but its depredations are invariably, ignorantly attributed to "Capitalism" and disingenuously relied upon to justify even more draconian control systems such as Socialism and Communism. Never mind 100 million dead humans in the last century when these were implemented on a large scale. Ask the people still living in the Ukraine how collective farming worked for their grandparents.

I prefer to call it "neo-capitalism," meant in the exactly the same spirit and logic as the term "neoconservative" (or "neocon"). Those hubristic creeps were not new and never were conservatives. The terms expose the deviousness of the false-flag/straw man they represent, and the meaninglessness of these labels. More on them later.

Actually we face a velvet-hammer fascism (textbook definition) of tightly controlled markets and corrupt institutional dominance of the supply of money, oil, gold, oats, sugar, contracts, jobs, charity, etc. And, the curse of rent-seeking and mercantilism, the "licensing" of various endeavors regulated in a million different ways, like money printing and loan-making, transportation, distribution, retail storefronts, hair salons, dog groomers, landscapers, etc.

It was already a joke 50 years ago that it was easier to start a hotdog stand in Moscow than in New York.

The same gulf of misunderstanding exists between the fiat currencies floated by the governments of the world, trading five trillions of edollars in FX every day, and the new universe of crypto. It's not the value of the exchanges and trading, or the affected prices of oil, soybeans, gold, etc. going up, it's the purchasing power of the edollar (or other government fiat) going down!

Cybermarket, the 'final frontier'
Using a new conceptual, consensual grasp of what 'money' is and is not, the emergent, enabling crowd-funding potential of the internet has emerged with an explosion of transfered wealth. Often leveraged by mind- and memory-enhancing nootropics, vitamins and herbs, a sharp, well-educated business and investor class around the world, especially in Asia, has stoked the imaginations of all the world's young entrepreneurs, developers and investors. As well as many old ones, although most are still in shock.

This, as opposed to the promise of NWO world tyranny implied by the totalitarian arrogance of the FATCA regulations.

New visualizations of remarkably inventive cyberrealms abound, adapting blockchain tech for secure contracting, communications, cloud storage, social media, universal wallets, scientific research, as well as all the now-familiar ways of online shopping. New peer-to-peer apps appear every day. Some specialized platforms will use already-developed exchange platforms like Etherium for secure contracting.

Electronic commerce is immensely desirable and obviously inevitable in one form or another, because of minuscule time and transaction costs vs. cutting down trees, fracking, and vast drooling, saurian bureaucracies of oversight, overtaxation and bloodsucking regulation, etc., eager to skim their cut from the flow of value without creating any themselves.

In other words, reliably private, quick and traceable, or not, or enforceable, or not, in some manner or another. Like Ebay dealer reputation ratings, for example. New forms of insurance; blockchain-protected services to rate products and services objectively, already seen on platforms like Steemit.com, DTube.com, BitChute.com.

Who is to say what forms it should take and what constituent elements and features should it have? How can purveyors of child porn, fraudsters or subcontractors of evil deeds be deterred or exposed, if at all? Whatever it comes to be, the "invisible hand" of the market: advanced, unencumbered human nature controlling its environment to its own general benefit and safety, will determine these consensual protocols and bylaws.

From an article on RT.com, 2-21-18: "According to Reuters, the registered cryptocurrency exchanges will form a self-regulatory body from April. The body will set out rules for security and advertising, and will set penalties for members who don’t follow the policies, the Nikkei business daily reported."

Obviously there is no need for extortionary fees, no need for rent-seeking middlemen and biased/corrupt gatekeepers. No need for a Mafia, although forms of mutual defense or enforceable contracting will be perfected to offer fraud protections. Unregulated, it develops itself according to the laws of the "jungle"; via the brainstorms and whims of these creators, developers and investors, and the reactions of users and investors who vote with their more-fungible BitCoin and ETH to support newer, better, faster platforms. They are the Market, and eventually will decide which coins and exchanges will prevail.

Is there yet a truly effective method to deter, prevent and/or recover equity lost to fraud and hacking, hopefully without the expense and risk of physical confrontation? Will it necessarily involve government?

As long as a crypto owner leaves his wealth in the blockchain, in a wallet or secure exchange, and finds ways to invest or spend it within this world, rather than converting to fiat and creating the paper trail, there is little or nothing governments can do short of tracking each individual continuously and noting where they shop or dine without leaving a fiat trail.

The WalletSniffer5000 AI is probably already patented and under development as we cringe. Beware, the mobile app may be able to judge the richness of your diet if carried in a back pocket.

Tomorrow, Part 2 - Where is this going? Who can you trust?

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