Daily Bitcoin, Ripple and Ethereum price report. #3 5.01.18

BITCOIN chart (1).jpeg
Price: $16 764
Market Cap: $281 365 720 682 USD
Volume (24h) (USD): $22 397 000 000 USD / 1,381,780 BTC
Price change in 24 hours (USD): 11.76%
BTC Dominance: 36.4%
Lowest price: $14 652
Biggest price: $16 920

RIPPLE chart.jpeg
Price: $3,10 / 0.00019008 BTC
Market cap: $120 006 122 907 USD / 7,363,498 BTC
Volume (24h): $6 735 000 000 USD / 413,256 BTC
Price change in 24 hours (USD): 28.63%
Lowest price in usd: $3.06
Lowest price in BTC: 0.00019188 BTC

ETHEREUM chart (9).jpeg
Price: $1 004 / 0.06161740 BTC
Market cap: $97 195 384 665 USD / 6,830,350 BTC
Volume (24h): $6 654 930 000 USD / 5,963,879 BTC
Price change in 24 hours (USD): -3.04%
Lowest price in usd: $964
Lowest price in BTC: 0.06240280 BTC

Informacje i obrazki wzięte z: coinmarketcap.com
Information and image taken from: coinmarketcap.com

Pomysł wzięty od: https://steemit.com/@mahdiyari
Idea taken from: https://steemit.com/@mahdiyari

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