I saw the cryptocurrency in Intime.

It was in 2013 when I first learned about cryptocurrency.
At that time, my friend knew bitcoin and asked my opinion.
I thought it was like a simple game and could not exist.
Time passed, I knew about cryptocurrency at meet-up in November 2017.
That time, was not Volatility and was easy to trading.
But, I was afraid to investment because I had no knowledge of cryptocurrency.
So I studied professionally and I also participated in the meet-up.
As the understanding of cryptocurrency grew, i'm tried to increase the investment.
When the bull market started from Early December, I felt nervous again.
Is it cryptocurrency a stock? Or is it money?
A lot of questions get my head in knots.
While studying to answer my question,
I remembered the movie Intime, which was released six years ago.
So, it is reason that I watched movie again.

The present value is paid in fiat money.
But in this movie, fiat money disappears and time plays a role.
That is, the fiat money is time.
Below is impressive scenes of Intime.

The movie shows the life of Will (Justin Timberlake).

Hamilton, who has a lot of time, gives time to Will.

His mother dies before she meets him in a second.

This is the president of Financial Company who created the system.

Because of the timekeeper who followed, Will takes Sylvia (Amanda Seyfried) hostage and runs away.
He then steals around 1,000,000,000,000 hours.

The ending of the Intime was not my taste but this movie made me think better.
I think the idea of a decentralization has created a cryptocurrency, as if the emblem of wealth has changed from fiat money to Time, as in movies.
I think it's hard for everybody in the world to live an equitable life, but I don't want it's going to be the control of one's life by someone.

I have imagined that the specific scenarios from now to the future are unpredictable, but that in the distant future, an cryptocurrency could be used this way. What do you think?

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